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666 Colonels Retired on Full or Eetired Pay or on a tension.— War Services.
shnhur, and Allygbur, battle or Agra, afTair of Kanouffe, relief of Luckaow by Lord Clyde, batt'o of Cawnpore
OM 6th Dec, action at Seraighat, action at Shumsliabnd (in command of a Squadron), siege and capture of
Luckiiow, the summer campaign in Oude and llohilcund and actions of Rho;lamow and AUygiiUi", cr.pture of
LareiUy, action at Shahjehanpore and pursuit to Mahomdee, passage of the Gogra at Fyz.ibad and aSTair at
K".mdakoti (Mednl with three Clasps).
-^' Colonel K. W. Golrting served with the 2nd Battalion Derbyshire Regiment in the Egyptian war of iSSi,
and commanded the Battalion from the 25th August to September (Medal, and Khedive's StarJ."
*" Colonel C. V. Gordon was present with his regiment on field service from the commencemjnt of disf-irbances
in 1857 and 1858.
°^' Colonel C. 0. Gore.—For War Services, see the Honourable Corps of Gentlemen at Arms. p. i ;o.
-■'* Colonel C. A. Gorhara served in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and took part in the operations round Cabul
in December 1879 (mentioned in despatches); accompanied Sir J'rederiek Roberts iu the march to Candahar,
a'-id was present atthebattleof Candahar (mentioned iu despatches. Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with two Clasps,
and Bronze Decoration).
•^ Colonel VV. B. Gosset served as Assistant Field Engineer with the Centra! India Field Force undc^r Sir Hugh
Rose in 1858 ; was Directing Engineer with the storming party attheassault of the hill Fort of Chand.iiree, present
Bt the siege and storming of, conmanded the 21st Company Royal Engineers daring the action of Koonch,
present at the actions of Goolowlee. Calpee, and Gwalior, and the capture of the two latter places (several times
mentioned in despatches. Medal with Cla.sp).
^'" Colonel .la'nesGra'nam servid iu the Indian Mutiny campaigns iu iS57-5S,inclu;ling the sioie and capture of
Lucknow, affairs of Koorsee, Barree, and Simree, action of Nawabgange, reoccupation of Pyi.abad, and passage of
the Gogr.1 (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp).
'" Colonel J. H. Graham ser\-ed as Staff Oflficer to the Force employed in the destruction of t'ae Villages in the
Boree Valley, North-Western Frontier of India, iu November 1853 (Medal with Clasp).
^*^ Colonel O. M. Graham served tb-oughout tue Indian Mutiny campaign of 1357-59, includir.g the occupation
of the Alumbagh previous to and after the relief of Lucknow, also relief of Lucknow by Lord Clyde ; Rohilcurd
and Oude campaigns (Medal with Clasp, and a year's service). Servedin the Hazara campaign in i853 (mentioned
in despatches. Medal with Clasp).
*<* Colonel R. B. Graham served in the defence of the Kumaon Hdls and Rohilcnnd against the rebels iu
1857-58, and was present at the action of Cherpoora and other minoraffairs (Medal), Served iu tneAfghan war in
1880 on the line of communications in the Khyber (Medal). Served with the Burmese Expedition iu 1886-87
(mentioned in despatches, >fedal with Clasp).
5*^ Colonel F. W. Grant served in the Indian Mutiny campaign in 1857-5S, and was presentin the engagements at
Cawnpore. Serai fThat, Khala Nuddee, Futtehghur, and Shumsabad, and at the siege and capture of Lucknow
(Medal with Clasp),
"' Colonel .1. P. Grant served in the Indian Mutiny campaign in 1853, incluliug the operations iu t'le Sawant
Warree State (Medal).
2« Colonel M. D. V. T. Grant served as Adjutant to the Left 'Wing 33rd Foot with the Okamuudel Field Force
in 1859,1"<1 was present at the siege and occupation of Dwarka. Served with the i3Ch Bo.nljay Native Infantry'
in the Afghan war of 1B78-80 (Medal).
''^0 Colonel H. Grattan served with the Queen's Royals throughout the campaign of i36o in North Chini, includ¬
ing the actions of 3rd and 12th August at Sinlio, capture of Tangku and Taku Forts, actions of iSth and 21st Sept.
near Tangchow, and surrender of Pekiu (Medal with two Clasps). Was en;;>loyed on ttie Natal frontier and iu
Znluland m the early part of 1879 (Medal with Clasp). Served witli the ist Bait I'i )n R 'yal Su.ssex Uegunout in the_
Egyptian war of 18S2, inciudiug the defence oi Alexandria, the surrender 0: KatV Djwar, ana the occupation of
Damanhour (Medal, and Khedive's Stan.
2^1 Colonel B. Graves organised for the Zulu war of 1879 the 2nd Regiment of Nati-.l Ni^tive Contingent, consisting
of two battalions, and served with Pearson's Column, in command of the regiment, during the advance to Ekowe,
taking part in the engagement of layezane (mentioned in despatches as having bsen indefatigable iu his exertions,
(Medal with Clasp).
"' Colonel Anarow Green served with the Rifle Brigade in the campaign of 1857-58, including the battle
of Cawnpore on 6th December 1857, operations in tlie Doab, siege and capture of L:!ci:now, action of iN'awaligunge,
and commanded the Detachment ofRiHemen with Sir R. Barker's Column at.famo—dangerousl.y\i'ounded, fourteen
gabre cuts and one gun-shot wound, left arm and right thumli amputated. Mentioned in Lord Clyde's desjialch for
marked gallantry, and thanked by the Governor General in Conned (Medal with Clasp, and Brevet of Major).
"» Sir William Green fervid with the 42nd Highlanders in the Crimean Ciimpaign from the 14th July 1855,
including the siege ana fall of Seliastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turki.-h Medai). Served also the campaign of
1857-58 against the mutineers in India, including the actions of Kudygiiuge and Shumsabad, siege and fall of
Lucknow, and assault of the Martiniereand Banks' Bungalow, attack on the Fort of Rooyah, action at Allygungc-,
attack and capture of Bareilly, Sisseaghat (mentioned in desjiatches, Medal with Clasp). Embarked witli^ tlie
42nd Highlanders for the Gold Coast anti was there placed in coni'Uiiud of 100 men at Ynncoomassie Fanti
(Ashaiiti Medal). Served with the ist Battalion Black Watch in the Egyptian war of 18S2, and was present at
the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp,4th of the Osmanieh, ami iihedive'a
Star). Served in the Soudan Expedition in 1884 ia command of the ist Baitaiion Lilick Uatch, and was pre.-ent
in the engagements at El Teb and Temai—slightlr wounded (mentioned in despatches, Cii., and two Clasps).
Served throughout the Nile Expedition in 1834-85 in'command of the isr, Battalion ot the Black Watch, and was
present at the action at Kirbekan (mentioned in despatches, two Clasps).
^" Colonel G. Gregory was present at the bombardment of Odessa 22ud April 1851; served with the R.M. Battalion
at the occupation of Eupatoria iu 1854, and with ttie Brigade in the Crimea during the siege of Sebastopol in
'854-55 (Medril with Clasj), 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
'"< Colonel L. A. Gregson served with the 26th Camerouians in the Abyssinian campaign in i8o3 as Brigade
Major, Zoulla District (mentioned in despatches, Medal).
"8 Colonel P. FI. GreJg served m the Afghau war m 1879-80 took part in the defence of Candahar (mentioned in
despatches) including the sortie of Deh Khojah (mentioned in despatches), and was present at the battle ot
Candahar (mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp).
"« Colonel J. G. E. Griffith served in the Abyssinian war in 1868 (Medal). Served in the Afghan war in 1S79 as
Superintendent of the Ti-ansport Train (Medal).
™' Colonel H. T. Halahan served with the -,rd Buffs in the campaign of i8:5o in China, and was present at the
(action of Sinho and taking ot Tangku and the Inner Taku Fort (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Zulu war oi 1879
(Medal with Clasp).
2«i Colonel M. H. Hale served with the 26th Cameronians iu the Abyssinian campaign in 1868 (Medal).
2"3 Colonel M. Hall served with the ist Bengal Fusiliers duringthe Burmese war of 1S52-53 (Medal with Clasp for
Pegu). Served as Assistant Field Engineer with Havelock's Force, and was present at the (las^age of the
Ganges at Cawnpore, the actions at Mungarwar, Alumbagh, and first relief of Lucknow on 25ta Sept.; employed
in all the mining operations of the defenceof the Residency until finally relieved by Lord Clyde on^ 24th Wov. 1857.
Led one of the storming parties on the Hirn Khaimah (mentioned in despatches). Occupation of the Aluiubagh
tinder Outram. With the ist Bengal Fusiliers at the capture of Lucknow in March 1858 and daring tne subsequent
operations in Oude (Medal with two Clasjis, and a year's service for Lucknow).
'"* Colonel W. H. Hallett served with ihe Burmese Expedition in 1806-87 (Medal with Clasp).
2" Colonel G. J. Hamilton sen'ed with the 31st Regiment in the Crimea Irom 22nd .May to 15th June 1855,
including the siege of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, iiud Turkish Medal). Served through nit the campaign in
the north of Chiua in i860, including the action of Sinho, and storming of Tangku (Meial with Clasp for the Taku
Forts), Also during the operations against the Taepings in the vicinity of Shauirliai in April^and May i8d2,
resulting n the taking of the stockade of Nanhsiang, capture by escalade of the walled cities of Kadin, Tsinpoo, Tsojin, t'/e fortified town of Najow, the afTair at Nanhsiaug, and relief of Kadin. Served with the 26th
Camercuiians in the Abysfiuian campaign in 1868, Medal. v, » v
~'^ Colonel A. M. Handley nerved iu tne Hazara campaign in iS'iJ, including the expedition against the tr.bed
on the Blaok Mountain (Medal w;t'-! Clasp).

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