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Colonels Retired on Full or Retired Pay or on a Fension.—War Services. 665
mutiny in India, and present with the Goorkha Force under Brigadier General Macgrigor at the affairs of Gorrack-
pore, Shahgnnge, and Khandhoonuddee—received the thanks of the Governor General in Council. Also presentat
the siege and capture of Lucknow (Medal with Clasp).
*'■ Colonel A. W. Foord served in the Afghan war in 1879 (Medal). Served with the Burmese Expedition in-
1886-87 (Medal with Clasp).
203 Colonel J. G. Forbes served in the Indian Mutiny, including the action on the Hindun, battle of Budleo-
keserai, throughout the siege of Delhi, actions of Boluiidshuhur, Alyghur, and Agra, relief of Lucknow by Lord
Clyde, battle of Cawnpore, relief of Futtehghur, siese and capture of Lucknow (wounded), attack on Fort Rooyah,
action of Allygunge, and capture of Bareill.y (Medal with three Clasps).
"'>* Colonel A. Ford served in India in 1857-58, including the relief of Lucknow (wounded) by Lord Clyde, affair
of Bundah. of the Alumbagh from Jan. to March, siege and capture of Luckuow (mentioned in despatch. Medal
with two Clasps).
""^ Colonel H. I. E. Ford served throughout the operations of the expedition of 1863 against the tribes on the
North-West Frontier of India (Medal with Clasp).
'^"^ Colonel Hon. E. J. W. Forester served throughout the campaigns in Affglianistan from 1S38 to 1842 inclusive,
including the storm and capture of Ghuznee (Medal), storming the Khoord Cabool Pass, affair of Tezeen, forcing
the JugduUuck Pass, reduction of the fort of Mamoo Khail, defence of Jellalabad, and sorties on the 14th Nov. and
ist Dec. 1841, nth March 24th March and 1st April 1842, general action and defeat of Akbar Khan before Jellalabau
(Medal), storming the heights of JugduUuck, general action of Tezeen, and recapture of Cabool (Medal). Served
as an Aide de Camp to Sir Willoughby Cotton in 1838,39, and 40, and at Ghuznee.
'"' Colonel J. F. Forster served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the reconnaissance in force from
Alexandria on the 5th August, in the engagement at El Magfar, and the action at Kassasin on the 28th August—
severely wounded (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Transport Department in the Soudan E.\pedition
in IS84 (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, and Clasp). Served in the Nile Expedition in 18S4-85
with the 2nd Battalion of the Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, and took part in the operations of the Advauco
Column under Major General Earle (Clasp).
'"" Colonel G. B. Francis served with the 20th Regiment in the Indian campaign of 1857-58, including the
actions of Chanda, Umeerpore, and Sultanpore, siege and capture of Lucknow (Medal with Clfib^p).
2'" Colonel G. L. Fraser served in the Sutlcj campaign in 1846; also in the Punjaub campaign in 1849, and was
present at the battle of Goo.ierst (Medal with Clasp, and mentioned in despatches). Served in the expedition to
Kohat under Sir Charles Napier, in Feb. 1850 (Medal with Clasp). Also served in the Indian Mutiny campaign, and
was present at the siege of Calpee (mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp for Central India).
2" Colonel T. L. Fraser served as Staff Officer to the force under Lieutenant Colonel Evans throughout tUo
operations in Nuggur Parkur against rebel Thakoors in 1859, and was severely woaaded in their night attack ou
the camp in the town ot Nuggur on 20th June 1859.
2'^ Colonel J. F. Free served in the Afghan war in 1879-80 (Medal). Served with the Mahsood Wnzeeree Expe¬
dition in 1881 in command of Royal Artillery (mentioned in despatches). Served in the Egyptian of 1882, ard
was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Lt. Colonel, Medal with dasp, 3:-d
Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star).
^'3 Colonel C. H. Fresson served as Adjutant with the Left Wing 98th Regiment in the Peshawur Expeditionray
Force on the Euzofzie Frontier under Sir S. Cotton in April and May 1858, including the destruction of (^hinglio,
also engaged with the Hindostanee fanatics on the Heights of Sittaua on 4th May (.Medal with Clasp).
^" Colonel J. W. Fry served in the Soth Regiment with the Central India Field Force under Sir Hugh Rose in
1857-58, and was present at the actions of Koonoh, all the operations before Calpee from 15th to 22nd May. battiw of
Golowlie, capture of the town and fortress of Calpee, battle of Morar, battle before and capture of the town and
fortress of Gwalior, and taking of Pourie (Medal with Clasp, and Brevet of Major). [See also Civil Decorations for
Gallantrj', p. 7S6.]
^i" Colonel G. A. Furse served with the 42nd Highlanders in the campaign of 183 7-5B against the mutineers in
India, including the actions at Kudygunge and Shumsabad, siege and fall of Luckuow, anil assault of the
Martiniere a,nd Banks' Bnngalow, attack on the Fort of Booj-a'n, action at Allygunge, attack and capture of
Bareilly (Modal with Clasp). Accompanied Sir Garnet Wolseley to the Gold Coast in September 1873 on special
service, and served throughout the Ashanti war of 1873-74- Employed at first on a recruiting mission in the
settlements of the Gambia. Afterwards in charge of the advanced narty of Wood's Regiment in the reconnais¬
sance in force of the 27th November, and subsequent advance to the Prah. Commanded the Head Quarters of
Wood's Regiment at the battle of Amoaful, and was present at the battle of Ordahsu and capture of c^oomassie
(mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp). Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-83 aa
Director of Transport (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Colonel, Medal with Clasp).
*" Colonel A. E. Fyler served the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the battles of Alma and Inkerman,
siege and fall of Sebastopol (Modal with three Clasps, and Turkish Medal), Present during the latter part of the
New Zealand campaign (Medal). Commanded the ist Battalion West Kent Regiment throughout the Kgyptian
war of 1882, and was present at the action at Kassasin on the gth of September (mentioned in despatches, Medal,
3rd Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star).
2'* Colonel A. Gahagan served with the field force under Major Hawks at Keonghaut for the suppression of a
rebellion among the Hill Tribes of the Cuttack Tributary Mehais.
^'' Colonel A. E. Garnault served with the expedition of 1S63 against the tribes on the North-West Frontier of
India (Medal with Clasp). Served throughout the Hazara and Black Mountain campaign in 1868 (Clasp).
"^ Colonel W. H. Garton served throughout the Sonthal campaign of 1855-56. Served also throughout the mutiny
in 1857-58 (Medal). Was severely and dangerously wounded and had his horse killed under him in an attack upoa
a party of rebels under Sung Ram Sing in the Jaunpore district.
'"- Colonel G. Gajmor served the campaign of 1845 against the Hill tribes in Scind under Sir Charles Napier.
Also the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, including the action of Ramnuggur, and battles of Sadoolapore, Chillian-
wallah, and Goojerat (Medal with two Clasps).
222 Colonel P. Gibaut served in the Indian Mutiny campaign, including the operations in the Goruckpore dis¬
trict and on the Nepaul Frontier (Medal).
221 Colonel J. S. Gibb served at the siege and capture of Lucknow, affairs in Arrah district and Jugdespore (twice
mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp).
2-5 Colonel W. J. GiUum served with the 2nd Battalion Royals in the Crimea from the 22nd April 1855, including the
siege and fall of Sebastopol, and was severely wounded at the attack of the 8th September—leg amputated (Medal
with Clasj), Brevet of Major, Sardinian and 'Turkish Medals).
2-' ColonelJohn Glancy served with the i4tli Regiment in the Crimean campaign from loth Jan. 1855, includinsf
the siege and fall of Sebastopol, and assault of the 18th June (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served also in
the New Zealand war of 1863-65, and was mentioned in despatches for " conspicuous forwardness" in the attack on
the enemy's rifle-pits during the action at Koewa, and ajjain for "conspicuous conduct" during the engagement
at Rangiriri (Brevet of Major, and Medal).
2*» Colonel W. A. Glasspoole served in the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, and was presentat the siege and sur¬
render of Mooltan, including the storm and capture of the town (Medal with Clasp). Persian campaign of 1850-57,
including the surrender of Bushire, and acted on Sir R. Honner's Staff during the forced march to Borazjoon, night,
attack on the rear-guard and battle of Khooshab (Medal with Clasp). Served against the rebel Bheels and Cooiioa
in the Nassic and Ahmednuggur districts in 1857-58, and received the commendations of Government and the high
approval of the Commander in Chief for services while in command of a Detachment of the 4th Rifles. In 1858 he
served with Sir John Michel's Force in pursuit of the rebels under Tantia Topee, and was present at the action of
Rajghur (Medal).
230 Colonel A. H. Godfrey served with the 73rd Regt. in India during the mutiny in 1858-59, including the
opers.tions in the Nepaul Terai (Medal).
23' Colonel R. C. Goff served with the 50th Regiment in the Crimea from the 22nd August 1855, including the
siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
. *'' Colonel James Goldie served with the 9th Lancers throughout the suppression of the Indian Mutiny in
557-59'Including the battle of Budlel e-erai, siege operations', assault and capture of Delhi, actions of Bolund

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