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O36 General Officers Bellred on Full or Bctired Pay or on a Pension.— War Services.
dition against the paramount chief Kreli, and on his return to head-quarters was appointed to the command of
Fort Grey, which he held till the cessation of hostilities, during which period, besides rendering the post per¬
fectly defensible, waggons and cattle, which were on three occasions taken by the enemy and driven otf, were recap¬
tured by the garrison under Captain Catty. Was twice severely wounded by musket-balls in theBoomah Pass,
i'" Major General G. Cavenagh served as Interpreter to the 54th Foot during the Indian mutiny (Medal). Served
with the i6th Bengal Native Infantry during the Chinese war of 1860-61, and commanded a party at the west gate
during the attack on Shanghaie by the rebels on the 19th 20th and 2jst September i860 (Medal). Served in the
Bhoota,n campaign (Medal with Clasp).
'*' Major General R. W. Chambers served in the Sutlej campaign of 1845-46 (Medal), and was present at the sur¬
render of Kote Kangra.
1^ Major General J. H. Cliampion sei-ved as Assistant Adjutant General to the field force under Sir John Michel
in his campaign in Central India in 1858, and was present at the actions of Rajghur, Mungrowlee, Sindwaho, and
Kurai (Medal, and Brevet of Major).
1^' Major General Frank Chaplin served the Panjaub campaign of 1848-49 with the 3rd Light Dragoons, and was
present in the affair of Ramnuggur, passMge of the Chenab at Wuzeerauad on the ist Deo. 1848 with the force
under Sir Joseph Thackwell, and battles of Sadoolapore, Chillianwallah, and Goojerat (Medal with tvfo Clasps).
i52 Major General I. i'. Chanman served in Abyssinia with the army under Lord Napier of Magdala (Medal).
"^ Major General A. Cherry-Garrard served with the 90th Light Infantry in India from 12th Aug. 1857 until the end
of the rebellion, including the first <lefenoe of the Alumbagh, relief of Lueknow by Lord Clyde as Adjutant to the 2ad
Detachment Battalion, defence of the Alumbagh under Outram and repulse of various attacks, assault and capture
of Lucknow, and subsequent campaign in Oude (Medal with two C!lasps, and a year's serv'ice). Served with the
90th Light Infantry in the Gaika war of 1878, inchiding the operations in the Waterkloof and Perie Bush, and the
engagement at Taba Indoda (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Lt.Colonel). Also served throughout the Zulu
war 01 1879, 'I'^'i ^"s present in the engagement at Ulundi (Medal with Clasp).
"* Major General Hugh Chichester served throughout the suppression of the Indian mutiny, including the actions
of the 30th and 31st May 1857, on the Hindun, battle of Budleekeserai, siege of Delhi (mentioned in despatches with
"especial approbation and thanks for zeal, ability, and coolness in situations of great danger"), and battle of
Bareilly (Medal with Clasp).
'^* Ma.ior General R. B. Uhiohester served in the mutiny in India in 1857-58, and was present when the 8ist
Regiment, under Colonel Kenny, disarmed at Mean Meer one Regiment of Native Cavalry and three Regiments
of Native Infantry, all disaffected and ripe for mutiny (Medal). Served in the Afghan war of 1878-9 with the Khyber
Column, and commanded the 8ist Regiment at the capture of Ali Musjid [CB., Medal with Clasp).
156 Major General L. R. Christopher served in the Indian Mutiny campaign, including tho operations at
Cawnpore under General Windham in Nov. and Dec. 1857 (Medal).
'^' Major General W. Chrystie ser<'ed with the Abyssinian E.^peditionary Force in 1868, as Field Engineer at
ZouUa during O'anua-ry, at SenatV^ in i'ebruary, and subsequently as Field Engineer at Addigorat in constructing
the entrenchments at that post (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, and Medal).
'^' Major General T. Clerk served with the field force in Kurnool in 1839, and was present at the affair of
Zorapore. Was present in 1S44 in the action on the banks of the Helmund, at the relief of the fortress of Ghirishk,
and in the action near Khawind in Zemindawar.
•*" Major General M. Clifford served in the Crimean campaign from July 1855, including tho siege and fall of
Sebastopol (Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
"'' Major General T. H. Clifton served the Eastern campaign of 1834 as Aide de Camp to the Duke of Cambridge, in¬
cluding the battles of Alma, Balaklava, and Inkerman (wounded and horse shot), siege of Sebastopol, and sortie of
26th Oct. (Brevets of Major and Lt.Colonel, Medal with four Clasps, 5th Class of the Medjidic, and Turkish Medal).
""^ MHJor General C. F. Cockburn served in the Crimean camjiaign from September 1S55, iucluding the siege and
fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
"j^ Major General George Colclough was nominated 10 the 4th Class of the Medjidie for services with the Jate
Osmaiili Hor.-e Artillery during the Eastern campaign in 1854-55.
"<* Major General R. A. Cole was employed in suppressing the insurrection in the Pariah Kimedy district in
'"'' Major General C. CoUingwood served in the Afghan war in 1878-79 (Medal).
1™ Major General W. P. Collingwood served with the 37i,h Regiment in the rebellion of 1848 in Ceylon. Serveil
with the 2ist Fusiliers in the Crimea from nth July 1855, including the siege and fall of Sebastopol; also tho
expedition to Kinbourn (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal); from Nov. 1855 to Nov. 1856 he commanded a
Battalion of the Laud Transport Corps. Commanded tho troops on board the Spartan steamer when wrecked ou
th3 Dog Rocks, Coast of Africa, on 5th July 1856, on returning from the Crimea, and for his services throughout
this trying occasion he received the Brevet rank of Major—Lord Panmure, the War Minister, expressing his appro¬
bation, as did also H.B.H. the Commander in Chief, of the conduct of the officers and men, as being highly honour¬
able to them ; and Colonel M"Murdo, Director General of the Land Transport Corps, iu a general order, " desired
to express to C'aptain Coliiagwood and those ho commanded the pride he felt in transmitting for the information
of H.R.II. the Commander iu Chief, the proofs given of the high courage and discipline which animated all ranks on
that fearful night, and which wore rewarded by the safe rescue of all from their perilous situation." Proceeded
10 South Africa in Februaiy 1S75 "' command of the 2nd Battalion Scots Fusiliers, and commanded the 2nd Brigad<!
of the 2nd Division during the latter part of the Zulu war {CMG., Medal with Clasp). Carried out satisfactoril.y the
transfer ot his Battalion from the steamship Citt/ of Paris when wrecked on entering Simon's Bay on the 21st of
March 1879.
'" Major General E. A. Collins served with the 26th Cameronians in the Abyssinian campaign in 1868 (Medal).
]^ Major General T. B. ColUnson served in New Zealand during the disturbances in 1847, and was present at the
repulse of 400 natives in an attack at Wanganui on the 19th Julj^ (Medal).
">' Major General W. Coningham served with a column of observation on the banks of the Wurdah River for the
suppression ot disturbances in the Nizam's dominion in conjunction with a column under Sir Hugh Rose from ist to
30th March 185^ (Medal). Served in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and took part in the operations in the Mazeciia
Valley (Cli., Brevet of Lt.Colonel, and Medal).
''" Major General E. J. R. CouuoUy served with the Baltic Expedition in 1854 (Medal).
''^ Major General C. Cookworthy served in the Sutlej campaign of 1845-46, including the battle of Sobraon (M(!dal).
Punjauli campaign of 1S48-49, including the battle of Sadoolapore, passage of the Chenab, and battles of Chiilian-
waliahand Goojerat (Medal with two Clasps). Served during the Indian mutiny in 1S57-58, and was present at the
action of Trimmooghat, commanded the Artillery with Brigadier Gerrard's Column in the action at Narnoul—
wounded and horse shot. Served the Rohilcund campaign and actions of Bareillj- and Shahjehanpore. Commanded
the Artillery with Sir T. Se.aton's Field Force at the action of Bunkegaon (three times mentioned in despatches.
Medal, and'Brevet of Major).
"* Major General W. W. Corban served in the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the battles of Alma and
Inkermau, siege of Sebastopol, and sortie of 26th October (Medal with three Clasps, and Turkish Medal). Com¬
manded the 1st Battalion Berkshire Regiment throughout the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the
surrender of Kafr Dovvar (Medal, 3rd Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star).
"s Major General T. P. Cosljy served in the Crimea from toth Jan. 1855, iucluding the siege and fall of Sebastopol
and assanlt of the i8th June (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
'"'' Major General C. M. Cotton served the GwaUor campaign of 1S43-44, including the battle of Maharajpore
(Bronze Star).
1'' Major General L. S. Cotton served in the Indian Mutiny campaign in 185S-59 as Aide de Camp to tho General
Officer commanding tho Frontier Field Force at Peshawur (Medal with Clasp).
"" Major General H. E. Courtenay served in the Sutlej campaign in 1846, and was slightly wounded at the
battle of Sobraon (Medal). Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, including the passage of the Chenab at Ramnuggur,
and battles of Chillianwallah anil Gooiernt (Medal with two Clasps).
i7» Major General E. H. Courtney served with the expeditionary force in China in 1858-62, and was present at the
action of Shcksing with the Kwantung rebels on the 8th Jan. 1859. Accompanied the naval forces under Sir Michael
Seymour to the Peiho river iu May 1858, and was engaged in the demolition of the forts at its mouth. Served

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