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General Officers Retired on Full or Retired Fay or on a Pension.—War Services. 637
throughout the campaign of i860 in North China as Acting Adjutant to the combined force of Royal Engineers and
Madras Sappers, and was present at the actions of Sinho and Tanku, siege and capture of the Taku forts (mentioned
in despatches), and surrender of Pekin (Medal with two Clasps, CB.).
"" Sir John Cowell embarked on board the Baltic Fleet with a Detachment ofRoyal Sappers and Miners in Feb.
1834: in July was appointed Aide de Camp to Brigadier General Harry Jones, and served as such at the operations
sLgainst Bomarsund (Baltic Medal); accompanied General Jone« as Aide de Camj) to the Crimea in Jan. 1855, and
continued with him until his return to England (Medal with Clasp for Sebastopol, Knight of the Legion of Honor,
5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
"1 Major General C. V. Co.'c served the Gwalior campaign of 1843-44 and battle of Punniar (Bronze Star). Sutlej
c impaign ofi845-46, including the battles of Moodkee (wounded). Ferozeshah, and Sobraon (Medal and two Clasps).
Punjaub campaign of 1848-49 as Brigade Major of Horse Artillery, includmg the passage of the Cheenab and
battles of Chillianwallah and Goo.jerat (mentioned in despatches, Medal with two Clasps, and Brevet of Major),
tjerved throughout the Indian mutiny at Rawul Pindee and Peshawur (Medal and CB.).
is^ Major General C. W. Cox served in the Burmese war in 1852-53, and was present at the retaking of Beeling
(Medal with Clasp for Pegu). Was also present wifh the Madra.s Rirtoi in J857-59 in quailing the mutiny in India.
"' Major General F. E, Cox served in the Indian Mutiny campaign, including the siege andcapture of Lucknow,
campaign in Rohilcund and battle of Bareilly as Adjutant of Royal Engineers (Medal with Clasp, and Brevet of
'*♦ Major General H. W. H. Coxa served the Gwalior campaign, including the battle of Maharajpore on 29th
Deo. 1843 (Bronze Star). Accompanied the Expeditionary Force under Brigadier General Chamberlain the
Mahsood Wuzeerees in 1S60, and present in the actions of Paloseen and Bunrah (Medal with Clasp).
1** Major General B.Cracroft served throughout the Sonthalcampaignof 1855-56 and wasslightly wounded. Served
also in the Central campaign with the force vinder General Whitlock and was present at the attack and
capture of Punvvarree Heights near Kirwee on 29th Dec. 1858 (mentioned in despatches, Medal). Served in the
Afghan war in 1879-80, accomDanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Canilahar, and was present at the
Jjattle of Candahar (mentioned in desuatches. Medal with Clasp, and Bronze Decoration).
'*> Major General C. A. F. Creagh served with the 50th Regiment in the Crimea, subsequent to the fall of
Sebastopol, from the nth Sept. 1855 to the end of the Russian war. Also in the New Zealand wars from Nov.
5863 to 1866, and was present as the storm and capture of Rangiawhia with the storming party, repulse of the
enemy's attack on the Camp at Nukumaru (in command of a party of the 50th), the capture of the fortified
village of Ketemari and the Putahi Pah with the storming party (Medal). Served with a detachment of the
Soth Regiment in the Expedition to Perak under General Colborne in 1875-76 (Medal with Clasp). Served in the
Transvaal in the operations against Sekukuni in 1878. Served in the Zulu war of 1879, first in command of three
companies of the Soth Regiment, and afterwards as Commandant of the Leydenburg District, and commanded 11
portion of colonial horse in pursuit of King Cetywayo in Zululand. Served subsequently in the Transvaal until
invalided, in the operations against Sekukuni in 1879, iaeludiug the capture of that chief (Medal with Clasp).
Served with the NileE'cpe.iition in 1884-S5 in command of the 2ud Battalion of the South Staffordshire Regiment
<Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
'"' Major General W. Creagh served throughout the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, including the siege and sur¬
render of Mooltan, battle of Goojerat, pursuit and surrender of the Sikh army (Medal with two Clasps)
'="* Major General F. R. C. Crofton served with the 9th Lancers in suppression of the Indian Mutiny in 1858-59,
and was present, at the atfair of Kumdakoti (Medal).
1*' Major General T. C. Crowe served in the Persian campaign in 1857 (Medal with Clasp). Also the Indian m.utiny
campaign,including the siege and capture of Ratghur, action of Barodea, relief of Saugor, capture of Garrakota,
pursuit to Behra, forcing the Muddenpore Pass, advance on siege and capture of Jhansi, battle of the Betwa,
iidvance on Calpee, battle of Koonch, on Rear-Guard of ist Brigade Central India Field Force when our baggage
was attacked by the enemy's Cavalry, action of Deopora, battle of Galowlee, advance on and capture of Calpee,
pursuit to Surceela, advance on Gwalior, battle of Morar, capture of Gwalior, final pursuit of the enemj- and
l/iattle of Jowra Alipore, subsequent operations in Bundlekund, including the taking of Gai'otha, and pursuit of
Feroze Shah (Medal with Clasp).
''■"' Major General C. E. Cumberland served in the Crimen from 13th Sept. 1855, and was employed in the demoli¬
tion of the Docks of Sebastopol (Crimean and Turkish Medals). Served in the Indian campiigu of 1857-59; ''^a'S
<'ommanding Engineer at the siege aud fall of Fort Ahwah, and present at the siege and capture of Kotah, con¬
cluding the First Column at the assault (Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp).
'■" Major General W. B. Cumberland served with the expedition to the Meeranzaie Valley and Upper Koorum
in 1856, aud with that into the Bozdar Hills in 1857 (Medal with Clasn).
'"^ Major General W.H.Cuming served intheBurmese war of 1852-53 as Assistant Field Engineer (Medal with Clasp
forPegii). Servedin the Crimea with the Turkish Contingent in 1855-56 (Turkish Medal, and 4th Class of the Med¬
jidie). Served with the Saugor Field Division in quelling the Indian mutiny of 1857-59, and was present at the affair
of Kabraie, l)attle of Banda, attack on Jounpore, surrender of Kirwee, action of Pungattie; subsequently with
Colonel Nott's Field Force in pursuit of Feroze Shah and otlier rebels in 1859 (Medal with Clasp for Central India).
''■<* Major General G. G. Cuniifle served as a volunteer in the Nynee Tal Militia, raised for the protection of that
place, from 3rd June to 26th Dec. 1857, and assisted m the surpriseaud defeat ofa body of rebels belonging to Khan
liahadoor Khan that had occupied Huldwaree. Commanded a Detachment of the Kemaon Levy at the action cf
Churpoorah. and a portion ol a Field Force at the action of Surpoorah, succeeding to the commatul of the Force on
• iapt. S. Brown being severely wounded—charger disabled by sword cuts (thanked by the Governor General aud
the Commander in Chief for Kallaut conduct (Medal).
'" Major General R. H. Cunlilfe was emploj^ed in suppressing the insurrection in the Pariah Kimedy district
in 1856-57.
i'-"5 Major General P. S. Cunningham served in the Southern Mahratta campaign in 1844-45, and was present at
the taking of the heights in front of aud occupation of Budderghur.
"' Major General Reginald Curtis served in the Crimean campaign from July 1855, including the siege aud
fall of Seljastopol, in the Trenches with the siege train (Medal with ('Jasp, Turkish Medal, and Brevet of Majorj.
^'J'* Major General J. A. Dalzell served with the 53rd Kuginient in the I'unjaub campaign in 1849, inciuding the
battle of Goojerat (Medal with Clasp). Served as Adjutant in the campaign of 1851-52 against the hill tribes on
the Peshawur Frontier (Medal with Clasp). Indian campaign of 1857-59, including lue action of Khoda^ungo and
entry into i'uttehglmr, passage of tho Gogra at Fyzabad on 29th November, commanded the »kiru^ishi'ig Com¬
panies of the 53rd at the action of Toolseporo, minor affairs, commanded attacking Companies of 53rd at tno storm
and destruction of Bungeon—mentioned in despatches (Medal, and Brevet of Major).
"'■' Major General U. (J. Dandridge served in tlie Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, and was present at the ist and 2nd
«iege operations before Mooltan, including the attack on the enemy's outposts on the gth and 12th September,
action of Soorjkhoond, and storm and capture of the city aud surrender of the fortress (Medal with one Clasp).
'■"" Major General J. Du.niel served with the Field Force against Kurnool in 1839.
-"■ Major General S. Darling served in the Crimea as Deputy Assistant Quarter Master General ist Division
subsequent to the fall of Seha^topol from October 1855 to tho 1st May 185O.
-"- Major General R. L. Dashwood served in the Aiglian war in 1879-80, and took part in the mirch to Candahar
with the force under Major General Phayre (Medal).
'"' Major General W. Daunt served in the Crimea from 27th Nov. 1854, including the siege and fall of Sabastopol,
and assault on the Cemetery on the i8th June (Medal with CLtsp, stn Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
Served in the Afghan war in 1879-80 in command of the 2nd liiittiUon 9th Regiment, and accompanied Brigaditjr
General Charles Gough in the advance to Cabul in December 1879; in July 1880 was appointed to command a
Brigade at Cabul witn the rank of Brigadier General, which ho held till the conclusion of tlie war (mjntionod in
despatches, CB., Medal with Clasp).
*' Major General A. H. Davidson served in suppression of the Indian Mutiny, including the actions of the 30th and
3i3t May 1857 on the Hindtm, battle of Budleekeserai (severely wounded), and battle of Bareilly (Medal with Clasp).
Served throughout the Hazara and Black Mountain campaign in 1868 (Medal with Clasp).
'^'' Major Gene»al L. M. Davies served with the Persian Expeditionary Force in 1857 on its march to Borazjoon,
at the battle of Khooshab, and at the capture of Mohumra (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Deccan against the
rebel Bhcelsin 1857; present at tho engagements of Shumshapoor and Mahadeojhur (Lndiau Mutiny Medal).
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