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iTears' Ser.
259-60 The Princess of Wales' Own (Yorkshire Regiment).
jstBatt., Egypt 1 7,',-.,.,1, o,.7,, ,7, ^ rr,/?, f t .-t V- .7. ,7 • V lienimental Duli-ictSo. ij.
and Batt., Curragh. J 1< 0) lliei l/J ihe igt/l {lut lorkukire I Richmond, Yorkshire.
North Riding—Princess of Wales' Own) Regiment.
(Tlie 3rd and 4th Battalions are formed of the 5th West York and the North York Militia respectively.
The Rose. " Malplaquet " "Alma" " Inkeeman " "Sevastopol."
Colonel.—/Sir Abraham Josias GXoeie,^ KCB.KH. Cornet, 29 June 09; Lt. 17 Jlav 10; Capt '5 Nov. 12;
Bt.Major, 21 Nov. 22; Ht.Lt.Colonel, 10 Jan. 37; Major, 12 Sept. 48; Colonel, ii Nov. 51'; Lt.Colonel,
23 Mar. 55 ; Major General, 31 Aug. 55; Lleut.Oeneral, 21 Deo. 62 ; General, 25 Oct. 71; Colonel iqth Foot,
10 Mar. 61.
LieutenantColonels.—I Charles Hereford, Entign, 17 Aug. 55 ; Lt. ^17 July ^7 ; Capt. ''30 Dec. 59; Srevet
Major, 5 July 72 ; Major, 29 Nov. 76 ; Lt.Colonel, 12 Jan. 81.
2 Henry Edward Davidson, Ensign, 29 June 58; Lt.^^ July 60; Capt.^j Apr. 63; Major, 29 Sept. 77;
Lt. Colonel, i July 81.
1 William Harris Burland,^ Ensign. "25 Aug. 54; Lt. 7 March S5; Capt. P25 Sept. 60; Bt.Major, 1 June 73 ;
Major, 21 July 77 ; Lt.Colonel, 1 July 81.
2 Augustus Mourant Handley,' Ensign, 2 July 58 ; Lt. ^is Oct. 6t ; Capt. ''23 Jan. 60: Major, 7 June 79 ^
Lt.Colonel, 29 Sept. 82. ->././ 'y.
FuU I Halt
Pay. {Pay.
17 July
''29 Aug.
4 Aug.
■"23 Jan.
27 Nov.
f 8 May
''20 Feb.
7 Sept.
10 Apr.
30 Oct.
13 Nov.
4 Dec.
I Jan.
22 Jan.
13 Aug.
13 Aug.
13 Aug.
14 Jan.
Donald Grant • 14 Jan.
Pi6Mar. 67
"27 jiiiy 66
1 William Bennett' 26 Mar,
2 George Oakes I'll June
p.s.c. Alfred James Paterson, Brigade\
Major. Aldershot ^
2 Crosbie Barton
I William G. Wauph M'Clintocki?
Ddward Archibald Bruce, Adjutant 2 ^
Volunteer Battalion Yorkshire Hegimenf )
I .John Olaus Champion MoUer
1 Edward Stanley Newton Dickenson, ■(
Adj. ^thBattalion{North York Militia) }
2 Lionel Henry Mocatta Levin
Bolton James Alfred Monsell
John Francis Simonet Pji Feb.
I John Henry Eden
Richard Phayre, Aide de Camp to Sir \
Hobert Fhayre 3
1 Frederic BarlT Briggs
2 Alfred Charles Fr3-er
2 William Edmund Franklyn
2 Audley Walter Washbourne Money Kyrle
2 John William Robinson Parker
I Charles John Spottiswoode
I Henry Bowles
I Gilbert H. Pearon Mathison
1 Edward John Bentley Buckle
2 Thomas David Kirkpatrick
I James Ahmuty Fearon, Adj. 20 March 80
1 Reginald Hayes-Sadler
2 Edward William Mills
1 Charles Stuart Molony
John Davics
2 Charles Tulin Hennah, Adjutant 12 Jan.81
Edwin Loud Herapath
I Gerald Carlile Stratford Handcock
1 William Auschar Cliauncy
2 George O'Neil Segrave
I Arthur de Sails Hadow
I Alfred Grahame Cartwright
I James Trevelyan Cotesworth
Arthur Bayard Elton
Edward Chas. Wm. Mackenzie Kennedy
Alfred Ernest Stuart Searle
Michael Harrison Orr
58 •'30 Dec.
63 29 June
631' 4 Mar.
''23 Jan.
28 Oct.
'^ I Dec.
25 Aug.
16 June
I Jan.
23 Jan.
13 Mar.
I Mar.
13 Nov.
''13 June 701 20 Apr. 7S
8 Dec.
8 Dec.
23 Jan.
30 Jan.
30 Jan.
16 Feb.
16 Feb.
2 Mai*.
1 Harry Otho Devereiix Hickmau
Michael Lloyd Ferrar
George Pearson
William Lindsay Mercer
Arthur Tristram Herbert Newnham
2 William Joseph Todd
Percy Lees
Edward Malcolm Esson
Arthur Lenox Napier
1 Charles Arthur Cecil King
Thomas Adam Fischer
Basil Charles Hood
Francis Connop
2 Desmond Lambert Hartley
Edward Stanislaus Bulfin
Frederick William Templetown Robinson
Albert Alexander M'Call
Adam Brack-Boyd Wilson
Quarter Masters.
28 Oct.
■■29 Oct.
28 Oct.
3 July
9 Aug.
13 June
" 7 May
13 June
28 Oct.
12 Feb.
5 June
26 Feb.
10 Mar.
8 Deo.
I Jan.
23 Jan.
13 Mar.
13 July
24 July
21 Aug.
25 Sept.
13 Nov.
1 Mar.
21 June
28 July
11 Oct.
II Feb.
20 Mar.
2 Oct.
30 Mar.
28 July
''20 Api.
II Oct.
II Feb.
31 Dec.
12 Jan.
I Jal.y
1 July 81
17 Dec. 81
4 Feb. 82
29 Sept. S.3
2 May S3
II May S3
I Aug. 84
78 26 Apr. f.-2:
29 Sept.
12 Mar.
30 Mar.
8 June
8 June
29 Sept.
26 Sept.
14 Nov.
1 Aug.
16 Aug.
16 Aug.
731 20 Mar.
78 ^ .
Sir Josias Cloete served in the
78 15th HuSisars from iSoq to 1814, from
78J1814 to 1817 as Aide deCamp to Lord
78|Charles Somerset at the Cape of
78 Good Hope, from whence he was sent
78jin command of a Detachment to take
76 military possession of the island of
79!Tristan d'Aeunha. Served with a
791 Squadron of his Regiment detached
79 as a field force during the Pindaree
79'and Mahratta war from 1817 to 1819.
SolActing ns Deputy Quarter Master
80! General conducted the landing and
80'settlement of a large body of Govern-
Sijment emigrants on the frontier 01 the
14 Jan.
14 Jan.
30 Oct.
22 Jan.
22 Jan.
23 Oct.
23 April 81
i8 Juno 81 Cape C'olonj'. In 1822 was sent to
I July 81 England with important despatches,
I July 81 and received the Brevet rank of
I July 81 Major. In 1842 commanded the suc-
I July 81 eessful expedition sent to Natal tO'
I July 81 relieve a Detachment besieged by in-
I July 81 surgent Boers. Served as Deputy
I July SiJQuarter Master General the Kaffir
I July 81 campaign of 1846 (CJB.). During the
I July 81 KafHr war of 18 = 1-53 served as Chief
10 May 82 of the Staff with the Armj' in the-
9 Sept. 82 Field, including the operations in
9 Sept. 82 the Basuta country and the battle of
10 Mar. 83lBereia wliei-e he commanded a Divi-
25 Aug. 83ision (Medal), and in acknowledgment
14 May
12 Nov.
12 Nov.
12 Nov.
12 Nov.
Thomas P. Lloyd,' 5 Sept. 79; Ens. 23 July 61
84 of his services received the honour of
84 Knighthood, anil was subsequently
84 nominated a KCB. On being pro-
84 moted Major General he was ap-
84 pointed in 1855 to the command of
84]the ^Vindward'and Leeward Islands,
which he held until i86t.
Lt. '••.■y Nov. 64 ; Capt. 29 Jan. 70 ; Son.
[Major, 5 Sept. 84
Frederick Pettitt, 17 Dec. 81.
Charles Organ, 8 Aug. 83.
Facings White.—Agents, Messrs. Holt, Lawrie & Co.
1st Battalion embarked for Egypt, 3 Attg. 1884. ^nd Batt. relumed from India, 21 ,Tan. 1877.
3 Lt.CoIonel Burland served in the Crimea'from i6th June 1855, including the siege and fall of SebastDpol and
assault on the Cemetery on the i8th June (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
' Lt.CoIonel Handley served in the Hazara campaign in 1868, including the expedition against the tribes on
the Black Mountain (Medal with Clasp).
■ Majors Bennett and M'Clintock served in the Hazara campaign in 1868, including the expedition against
the tribes on the Black Mountain (Modal wiih Cllnsp).
' Mijor Llo.vd.—For War Services, see .A.riiiy Pay Department.

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