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HURD, Family of. Kindred of . . . Richard Hurd . . .
Bishop of Worcester. Phillipps (Sir t.) Pedigrees i.
(115). 1825-71, fol.
HURD (Richabd) successively Bishop of Lichfield and
Coventry, and of Worcester. See Warbubton (w.)
Bishop of Gloucester. Letters from . . . [W. Warbur-
ton] to one of his friends. [Edited by Bishop Hurd.]
. . . [1808], 4°.
Dialogues on the uses of foreign travel. . . . By [R.
Hurd]. 1764, 12°. See Dialogues.
HURE (Charles) Dictionnaire universel de philologie sacr^e
. . . par Hur6. Suivi du dictionnaire de la langue sainte
. . . 6crit en anglais par le chevalier Leigh, traduit en
francais et augments de diverses remarques par Louis de
Wolzogue, revu, augments de nouveau . . . par M.
Tempestini. . . . Vol. i.[-iv.]
Paris, J. P. Migne, 1846.
8°. 11 in. 4 vols. Encyclopedia Migne, vols. 5-7 bis.
HURRAH. Hurrah for the bonnets of blue. Pray Goody.
Donald of Dundee. The cypress wreath. I’d be a
butterfly. Oh say not women’s love is bought. He’s
o’er the hills that I lo’e weel. The captive maniac.
Glasgow, 1829.
12°. 6 in. 8 pp. Scottish Songs(50).
HURST (Henry) The Humble address of the presbyterians,
presented to the King by Mr. Hurst . . . and Mr.
Reynolds ; with his Majesty’s gracious answer. Somers
(j.) Baron Somers, Collection of tracts, vol. 9, p. 35.
1813, 4°.
HURT (Jacob) Beitrage zur Kenntniss estnischer Sagen
und Ueberlieferungen. (Aus dem Kirchspiel Polwe.)
. . . (Schriften der gelehrten estnischen Gesellschaft.
No 2.) Dorpat, E. J. Karow, 1863.
8°. 8J in. 30 pp.
HURTADO (Luis) See Moraes (f. de) Palmerin of Eng¬
land, by F. de Moraes [also ascribed to L. H.]. . . . 1807,
HURTADO DE MENDOZA (Diego) Guerra de Granada,
que hizo el rei D. Felipe 11. contra los Moriscos de
aquel reino. . . . Nueva impresion completa de lo que
faltava en las anteriores, i escrivio el autor; i anadida
con su vida, i lo que se havia suplido por el conde de
Portalegre. . . . Valencia B. Monfort, 1776.
4°. 8J in. lvi. + 335 pp.+ (1) p., 1 portrait.
HURTADO DE MENDOZA (Garcia) 4f/i Marques de
Cahete, Viceroy of Peru and Chile. See Suarez de Fig¬
ueroa (c.) Hechos de Don G. Hurtado de Mendoza, quarto
marques de Canete a Don F. de Roxas y Sandoval,
duque de Lerma, marques de Denia. . . . 1613, 4°.
HURTER (Ferdinand) The Latent image and its develop¬
ment ; by F. H. and Y. C. Driffield.
London, Harrison and Sons, 1898.
8°. 9f in. 63 pp.+ (l)p. Extract from ' Photographic Journal”.
HUSAIN VATZ, Kdshifi. See BIdpa’!. [Anvar i Suhaili.
The Fables of Bidpa’i translated into Persian by Husain
Va‘iz, Kashifl.] [1845], fol.
HUSBAND (Edward) Printer. See England.—Parlia¬
ment. A Collection of all the publicke orders, ordin¬
ances and declarations of both Houses of Parliament
from the 9th of March 1642-43] untill December
1646. Together with severall of his Majesties pro¬
clamations and other papers printed at Oxford. . . . (An
appendix of severall ordinances, which were omitted in
this book and the former book of collections.) [Compiled
by E. H.] 1646, fol.
HUSBANDRY. See Agriculture.
HUSBY. Digelius (s.) Specimen historicum, de Husaby
Wester-Gothorum. . . . 1740, 4°.
HUSCHKE (Philipp Eduard) Dio iguvischen Tafeln nebst
den kleineren umbrischen Inschriften, mit Hinzufiigung
einer Grammatik und eines Glossars der umbrischen
Sprache. . . . Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1859.
8°. 9 in. (4)+ 718 +(2) pp., 1 plate.
HUSENEGK (Rudolf von) See Etterlin (p.) Kronica
der Eydtgenossenchaft. (Durch R. Husenegk corri-
giert.) 1507, fol.
HUSHAR (Peter) A Catalogue of the library of books . . .
of Mr. P. Hushar . . . which will be exposed to sale by
way of auction . . . on . . . 18th November 1685. By E.
Millington, bookseller. [London], 1685.
4°. 9 in. (4)+ 23 pp.+ (1) p. Cooper's List, no. 57.
HUSKISSON (Right Hon. William) Substance of the
speech of W. H. ... in the House of Commons, in a
committee of the whole House, upon the resolutions
proposed by the Chancellor of the Exchequer respecting
the state of the finances and the sinking fund of Great
Britain, on . . . the 25th of March 1813. Second edition.
. . . Pamphleteer, vol. 2, pp. 203-248. 1813, 8°.
HUSS (John) See Jan, Hits.
HUSSAR. The Hussar. By the author of “ The Subaltern ”
[G. R. Gleig]. ... In two volumes. Vol. 1. [11.]
London, H. Colburn, 1837.
8°. 7 in. 2 vols. 1. viii.+ 305 pp. + (l) p. n. (2)+ 307 pp.+ (1) p.
HUSSEY PEERAGE. Claim of Molineux Disney to the
barony of Hussey, mdclxxx. With remarks by W. B.
D. D. Turnbull. Edinburgh, 1836.
8°. 8} in. 65 pp. + (1) p. Only 40 copies printed.
HUSSEY (Anne) See Discovery (A) to the prayse of God,
and joy of all true hearted protestants, of a late intended
plot by the papists to subdue the protestants. Being a
true copy of a discourse between W. O’Conner, a
priest and Anne Hussey, an Irish gentlewoman. . . .
1641, 4°.
HUSSITES. Jordan (j. p.) Die Vorlaufer des Husitenthums
in Bohmen. . . . 1846, 8°.
Lenfant (j.) Histoire de la guerre des Hussites. . . .
I73I> 4°-
HUSSON (Francois) La Seconde Revolution francaise.
Solution et denouement pacifique de la question sociale
ouvriere. Ouvrage honore des patronages et souscrip-
tions du Groupe des Syndicats de ITndustrie et du
Batiment et de la Societe de la Participation aux Bene¬
fices. Par F. H. [Preface by Frederic Passy.]
Paris, Tours [printed], 1892.
8°. 7J in. (4) +11 pp. + (1) p. + v. pp. + (1) p. + 207 pp. + (1) p.
HUTCHESON (Archibald) An Abstract of all the publick
debts remaining due at Michaelmas, 1722. And an
estimate of the annual sinking fund towards the dis¬
charge of the same. . . . With a method proposed for
the more clear stating of the publick debts and sinking
funds in the accounts. . . . London, T. Payne, 1723.
Fol. 12 in. 27 pp.+ (1) p. Bound ivith other tracts.
An Abstract of an account stated by some of the clerks
at the South-Sea House, relating to the estates of the
late directors, and remarks shewing the mistakes in
that account. And some reasons for the putting a more
speedy end to the trust in the way of a mulct.
London, T. Payne, 1723.
Bound with other tracts.
Fol, 12 in, 15 pp.+ (1) p,

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