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HUTCHESON (Archibald) A Collection of calculations
and remarks relating to the South Sea scheme and
stock. . . . London, 1720.
Fol. 12 in. 119 pp. + (l) p. Bound with other tracts.
A Collection of treatises relating to the publick debts,
and the discharge of the same. . . Lo?idon, 1720.
Fol. 12 in. 120 pp., 2 tables. Bound with other tracts.
■—— An Estimate of the value of South-Sea stock. . . . By
[A. H.] ... 1720, fol. See Estimate.
A Letter to the author of the calculations in the White-
Hall Evening-post relating to South Sea stock. . . . By
a member of the House of Commons [i.e. A. H.]. 1720,
fol. See Letter.
See Crookshanks (j.) Some seasonable remarks on
a book ... by A. Hutcheson, relating to the publick
debt and fonds. . . . 1718, fol.
Some computations and remarks relating to the money
subscribers and the proprietors of the publick debts and
a letter relating thereto to the sub-governor . . . and
directors of the South Sea Company. . . .
London, 1720.
Fol. 13 in. 7 pp. + (1) p.
Some computations relating to the proposed transferring
of eighteen millions of the fund of the South Sea Com¬
pany, to the Bank, and East-India Company. . . .
London, 1720.
Fol. 13 in. 11 pp. + (1) p.
Some further computations relating to South-Sea stock :
with a proposal ... to be laid before the House of
Commons. . . . London, 1721.
Fol. 13J in. 11 pp.+ (1) p.
Some paragraphs on Mr. Hutcheson’s treatises, on the
South-Sea subject: which relate to the relief of the
unhappy traders in South-Sea stock, and to publick
credit. To which is added, a near estimate of the value
of South-Sea stock, if the Bill now order’d to be brought
in, pass into a law. 1723, fol. See Some.
*** The following is a list of additional plates, etc., appended to
vols. 2 and 4 and not included in the above. Those marked * are
not in Upcott’s list (Bibliographical account of English topo¬
graphy, vol. 1. pp. 180-194).
Additions in vol. n. intended for vol. 1.:—
* 1. View of Sans Souci
* 2. Plan of Bridport
3. Obelisk at Moreton
4-7. Four views of Corfe Castle (dupl.)
Seven folding tables of population at Corfe
pp. 315, 316 (cancelled).
Additions in vol. iv. intended for vols. 1. and 11.:—
1. View of part of Urless Farm (dupl.) Vol. 1
2. Whatcombe House „ „
3. Langton House „ ,,
4. Smedmore House ,, ,,
5. Parnham ,, ,,
6. Symondsbury Church „ „
7. Tradesmen’s tokens (3) „ ,,
8. Town cellar at Poole ,, „
9. Monuments in Bere Church „ „
10. Bridport Church ,, „
* 11. Obelisk to the memory of Thomas Hollis ,, „
12. Parnham House, etc. „ „
13. Beaminster Chapel ,, ,,
* 14. Maperton House „ „
15. Monuments supposed to be to the memory
of the Chidiock family ,, ,,
Loders Church „ ,,
Town Hall and St. Peter’s Church, Dor¬
Monuments in St. Peter’s Church, Dor¬
19. Corporation seals of Waymouth
* 20. Frome House
* 21. Athelhampton House
* 22. E. Front of Walterston House
* 23. Melbury House
24. Monuments in Horton Church
25. Gaunts House
Pedigree of James Mace Gigger
Pp. * 283, * 284, * 503, * 504 of vol. II.
The following plates in vols. in. and iv. are not included in
Upcott’s list:—
1. Melbury fossils. Vol. in. p. 107 of the Catalogues of birds, etc.
2. Old house at Sherbourne. Vol. iv. p. 136.
Pp. 201-204 of vol. 1. are misplaced.
p. 422.
p. 114.
p. 172.
p. 476.
Vol. 11. p. 4.
„ P- 241.
Vol. 11. p. 513.
„ p. 571.
(dupl.) Vol. 1. p. 61.
HUTCHINSON (0.) Theological Writer.
of councils, and the rule of faith,
quality [C. H.] . . . 1687, 4°. See Of.
Of the authority
By a person of
HUTCHESON (Francis) the Elder. See Taylor (j.) b.d.,
of Norwich. An Examination of the scheme of morality,
advanced by Dr. Hutcheson. . . . 1759, 8°.
An Essay on the nature and conduct of the passions
and affections. . . . [By F. Hutcheson.] Third edition.
1742, 8°. See Essay.
HUTCHINS (John) Murderer. A True account of the
behaviour, last dying words, and execution of J.
Hutchins, the solicitor, who was executed . . . for . . .
murther . . . 17th. of December 1684.
London, E. R. for R. Turner, 1684.
Fol. 12J in. 4 pp.
HUTCHINS (John) Rector of W~areham. See Bingham (g.)
Biographical anecdotes of ... J. Hutchins. . . . Nichols
(j.) F.S.a. Printer. Bibliotheca topographica britannica,
vol. 6, no. 34. 1785, 4°.
The History and antiquities of the county of Dorset,
compiled from the best and most antient historians,
inquisitiones post mortem and other valuable records
and mss. in the public offices and libraries, and in
private hands. With a copy of Domesday Book and
the Inquisitio Gheldi for the county; interspersed with
some remarkable particulars of natural history and
adorned with a correct map of the county and views of
antiquities, seats of the nobility and gentry, etc. The
second edition, corrected, augmented and improved [by
R. Gough and J. B. Nichols]. In three [four] volumes.
Vol. 1. [-fourth.] London, J. Nichols, 1796-1815.
Fol. 19J in. Large paper. 4 vols. 1. 51 engraved plates and 6
folding pedigrees, n. 42 engraved plates and 2 folding sheets,
in. 55 engraved plates and 5 folding pedigrees, iv. 33 engraved
plates and 3 folding pedigrees.
HUTCHINSON (John) Colonel. See Hutchinson (l.)
Mrs. Memoirs of the life of Colonel Hutchinson. . . .
1806, 4°.
—— A Narrative of the imprisonment and usage of Colonel
J. H. . . . in the Tower of London. Written by himself.
. . . Harleian Miscellany, vol. 3, pp. 33-38. 1809, 4°.
HUTCHINSON (John) Esq. See Bate (j.) Proposals for
printing, by subscription, the philosophical and theo¬
logical works of . . . Mr. Hutchinson, together with all
his manuscripts. . . . 1747, 8°.
A Letter to a bishop, concerning some important
discoveries in philosophy and theology [by J. H., in his
works entitled “Moses Principia,” etc.']. . . . 1747, 12°.
See Letter.
HUTCHINSON (Right Ron. John Hely) Keeper of the
Privy Seal for Ireland. The Commercial restraints of
Ireland considered. . . . [By J. H. Hutchinson.] 1779,
8°. See Commercial.
HUTCHINSON (John Luke George Hely) 5th Earl of
Donoughmore. [Report on] the manuscripts of the Earl
of Donoughmore [by F. H. B. Daniell]. Hist. mss.
Commission xil, app. 9, pp. 227-333. 1891, 8°.
HUTCHINSON (Sir Joseph Turner) A Handbook of
Cyprus. Compiled by Sir J. T. Hutchinson . . . and C.
D. Cobham . . . 1903.
London, Waterlow and Sons, Limited, [1903].
8°. 7 in. xii. +99 pp. + (1) p., 2 folding maps.
[Another edition.] London, 1904.
Sh 7 in. xii.+ 112 pp., 1 plate and 2 maps.

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