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HUNTON (Samuel) The Army armed, and their just powers
stated; or, Arguments unanswerable : proving them just
and lawfull powers, and governours, and so not usurpers;
likewise a justification of this present Parliament, and
Councel of State. . . . By S. H(unton), Senior.
London, 1653.
4°. 6} in. (4) +16 pp.
HUNYADI (Janos) Regent of Hungary, Captain-General.
See Corvinus (j.) Hunyadi, etc.
HUO, de Cleeriis. Ex H. de 0. scripto de senescalcia comi-
tibus Andegavorum collata. Pertz (g. h.) Monumenta
Germaniae historica. Scrip., vol. 26, p. 90. 1882, fol.
HUON, of Bordeaux, Due dc Guienne. Huon de Bordeaux,
chanson de geste. Publi^e pour la premiere fois d’apr^s
les manuscrits de Tours, de Paris et de Turin. Par F.
Guessard et C. Grandmaison. Paris, F. Vieweg, i860.
8°. 6J in. (8) + exxv. + (3) + 329 + (3) pp. Anciens PoMes de la
France, no. 5.
Huon of Bordeaux.
[? London, ? Wynkyn de Worde, ? 1534.]
Fol. 10J in. Without place, printer’s name or date. Gothic letter,
with printed signatures, and numeration, but without catchwords ;
2 columns, woodcuts, 42 lines.
Collation : A-Z6, g8, ?8, AA-FF8, GG ?s; ? 194 leaves (1-194).
Leaf la (sig. A. 1.) Huon of Burdeux. Folio primo. | [col.l.] C
Here begynneth the boke [ of duke Huon of burdeuxe J of | them
that issuyd fro hym. Ca | pitulo. i. | . . . The numbering is regular
from 1 to 191 with the exception of a few printers’ errors. Leaf
192, the last leaf present, wants nearly the whole of the outer
column and part of the inner. The last line of the last page
present is:—god and nature coulde not amende her, | .In the
complete quires four leaves are signed and two unsigned. The
quire GG has five leaves signed, the sixth wants the front part
which would have the signature if any were present. It is con¬
jectured that only two leaves are deficient at the end, making GG
a quire of eight leaves, five signed and three unsigned which
would be in accordance with the rest of the book. There are 69
woodcuts, but many of them are repeated several times. In
addition to the deficiency just noticed, there are possibly several
preliminary leaves wanting. These would contain the title,
translator’s preface, table of chapter headings, etc.
This copy, Bliss 1. 2384, Corser.
*»* First edition of the English translation of this romance and
believed to be unique. The translator was Sir John Bourchier,
Lord Berners. The work was reprinted from this copy by the
Early English Text Society in 1882-1887.
The English Charlemagne romances. . . . The Boke of
Duke Huon of Burdeux done into English by Sir John
Bourchier, Lord Berners, and printed by Wynkyn de
Worde about 1534 a.d. Edited from the unique copy
of the first edition, now in the possession of the Earl of
Crawford and Balcarres, with an introduction by S. L.
Lee. . . . London, Bungay [printed], 1882-87.
8° 10 in. 4 vols. Eirly English Text Society, Extra Series, nos.
xl., xli., xliii., 1.
HUOT DE GONCOURT (Edmond Louis Antoine) Gav-
arni, I’homme et 1’oeuvre. Par E. et J. de Goncourt. . . .
Paris, H. Plan, 1873.
8°. 9J in. (4)+iv. + (4)+432 pp., 1 plate.
Journal des Goncourt. Memoires de la vie litteraire,
premiere serie, premier volume. Tome premier, 1851-
1861. [Deuxi6me volume, 1862-1865. Troisi6me
volume, 1866-1870.] . . .
Paris, Charpentier, 1891, ’91, ’88.
12°. 7 in. 3 vols. 1. vii. pp.+ (1) p. + 402 + (2) pp. 11. (4)+340 +(2)
pp. ill. (4)+369 +(3) pp. (pp. 363, 364, 369-370 misplaced).
Romans de E. et J. de Goncourt. Germine Lacerteux.
Nouvelle edition. Paris, Corbeil [printed], 1899.
8°. 7 in. viii.+ 279 pp. + (l) p.
Romans de E. et J. de Goncourt. Manette Salomon.
Nouvelle edition. Paris, Bibliotheque-Charpentier, 1897.
8°. 7 in. (4) + 444 pp.
-—— Romans de E. et J. de Goncourt. Soeur Philomene.
Nouvelle Edition. Paris, Bibliothdque-Charpentier, 1897.
12°. 7J in. (4) + 310 pp.
HUOT DE GONCOURT (Jules Alfred) See Huot de
Goncourt (e. l. a.) Gavarni, I’homme et 1’oeuvre. Par
E. et J. de Goncourt. . . . 1873, 8°.
See Huot de Goncourt (e. l. a.) Journal des Goncourt.
. . . 1891, etc., 12°.
See Huot de Goncourt (e. l. a.) Romans de E. et J.
de Goncourt. Germine Lacerteux. Nouvelle Edition.
1899, 8°.
See Huot de Goncourt (e. l. a.) Romans de E. et J.
de Goncourt. Manette Salomon. Nouvelle Edition.
1897, 8°.
Sec Huot de Goncourt (e. l. a.) Romans de E. et J.
de Goncourt. Soeur Philomene. Nouvelle Edition.
1897, 12°.
HUPEL (August Wilhelm) Kurlands alter Adelund dessen
Langiiter, oder kurlandische Adelsmatrikulund Landrolle.
. . . Der nordischen Miscellaneen drittes Stiick. . . .
Riga, J. F. Hartknoch, 1781.
8°. 7f in. 240 pp., 1 plate.
Materialen zu einer lieflandischen Adelsgeschichte. . . .
Der nordischen Miscellaneen 15tes[-21stes] Stiick. . . .
Riga, J. F. Hartknoch, 1788-90.
8°. 7J in. 7 pts. in 3 vols.
Neue nordische Miscellaneen. Erstes[-achtzehntes]
Stiick. . . . Riga, Leipsig, 1792-98.
8°. 7J in. 18 pts. in 10 vols.
HUPFELD (Gulielmus) Exercitationum herodotearum
specimen 1., sive de rebus Assyriorum. Dissertatio
inauguralis. . . . Marburgi, Bayrhoffer, [1837].
8°. 8 in. (4) + 57 + (3) pp.
Exercitationum herodotearum specimen 11., sive de
vetere Medorum regno. Scripsit Dr. G. H.
Rinteln, C. Bbsendahl, 1843.
4°. 10 in. 82 pp.
Exercitationum herodotearum specimen in., sive rerum
Lydiarum particula 1. cum epimetro de Chaldaeis. . . .
Marburgi, N. G. Elwert, 1851.
4°. 10 in. (4) + 79 pp. + (1) p.
HUPP (Otto) Gutenbergs erste Drucke. Ein weiterer Beitrag
zur Geschichte der altesten Druckwerke. . . .
Miinchen-Regensburg, 1902.
4°. 12 in. 98 pp.
Ein Missale Sspeciale Vorlaufer des Psalteriums von
1457. Beitrag zur Geschichte der altesten Druckwerke.
. . . Miinchen-Regensburg, 1898.
4°. 12J in. 30 pp.
HUPSELANTES (Athanasios Komnenos) ’A. K. 'Yi/^Wtov
eKK\r)(Tui<TTiK(ov ko.'. ttoXltlkuw tojv eis 8<o8cKa (iifiXiov H' 0'
(cat I’ qroi ra /aera Tyv dXajcnv (1453-1789). . . . ’L/cLoorro?
Fepfiavov A<f>0ovi8ov. . . .
’E v K os v cr r a v r 1 v on it o A € 1, 1870.
8°. 9J in. 31 pp.+ (1) p.+ 837 pp.+ (1) p.
HURAULT (Philippe) Bishop of Chartres. M6moires de
Philippe Hurault . . . evesque de Chartres. Lesdits
m6moires en suitte de ceux que j’ay ramasses et mis en
ordre, portans le discours entier de la vye de feu M. le
chancelier de Cheverny mon pere. . . . Petitot (c. b.)
Collection complete des m6moires, etc., ser 1, vol. 36,
pp. 399-510. 1823, 8°.
HURAULT (Philippe) Comte de Cheverny. See Hurault
(p.) Bishop of Chartres. M6moires de P. Hurault. . . .
Lesdits m6moires . . . portans le discours entier de la vye
de feu M. le chancelier de Cheverny . . . Petitot (c. b.)
Collection complete des m6moires, etc., ser. 1, vol. 36.
1823, 8°.
Memoires de messire Philippe Hurault, comte de
Cheverny. . . . Petitot (c. b.) Collection complete des
memoires, etc., ser, 1? vol 36, pp. 1-398. 1823, 8°,

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