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And active in their stations prove,
In all the offices of love.
4 From all temptations now defend.
And keep them steadfast to the end.
While in thy house they still improve,
Until they join the church above.
The Church of Philadelphia. Rev. iii. 7—13.
1 rPHUS saith the Holy One and true.
To his beloved faithful few,
“ Of heav’n and hell I hold the keys.
To shut or open, as I please. J
2 I know thy works, and I approve ;
Tho’ small thy strength, sincere thy love:
Go on, my word and name to own,
For none shall rob thee of thy crown. |
3 Before thee, see, my mercy’s door
Stands open wide to shut no more;
Fear not temptation’s fiery day.
For I will be thy strength and stay,
4 Thou hast my promise, hold it fast.
The trying hour will soon be past;
Rejoice, for, lo ! I quickly come.
To take thee to my heav’nly home.
5 A pillar there no more to move.
Inscrib’d with all my names of love ;
A monument of mighty grace.
Thou shalt for ever have a place.”
6 Such is the conqueror’s reward.
Prepar’d and promis’d by the Lord!
Let him that hath the ear of faith
Attend to what the Spirit saith.