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DT. II.]
582, 583
On receiving a Member. Gen. xxiv. 31.
if4 /"''OME in thou blessed of the Lord,”
Enter in Jesu’s precious name:
i We welcome thee with one accord.
And trust the Saviour does the same.
’ Thy name, ’tis hop’d, already stands,
i Mark’d in the book of life above;
i And now to thine we join our hands,
<( In token of fraternal love.
1 Those joys which earth cannot afford,
We’ll seek in fellowship to prove:
Join’d in one spirit to our Lord,
^Together bound by mutual love.
And while we pass this vale of tears,
We’ll make our joys and sorrows known:
We’ll share each other’s hopes and fears,
And count a brother’s case our own.
Once more our welcome we repeat:
./Receive assurance of our love.
, O may we all together meet,
,.Around the throne of God above!
The same.
T ORD, we adore thy sov’reign grace,
. Who crown’st thy gospel with success,
• ^Subjecting rebels to thv yoke,
’ And bringing to the fold thy flock.
May those who have thy truth confest,_
As their own faith, and hope, and rest,
| From day to day still more increase
In faith, and love, and holiness.
As living members may they share
| The joys and griefs which others bear,