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:t. IV.] HYMNS. 381
in pray’r, my soul drew near the Lord,
And saw his glory shine;
And when I read his holy word,
' I call’d each promise mine.
Then to his saints I often spoke
Of what his love had done;
;But now my heart is almost broke.
For all my joys are gone.
Now, when the ev’ning shade prevails,
My soul in darkness mourns;
And when the morn the light reveals,
No light to me returns,
j My pray’rs are now a chatt’ring noise,.
For Jesus hides his face;
I read, the promise meets my eyes.
But does not reach my case.
But stop, my soul, why is it thus ?
’Tis I must bear the blame :
For Christ, his love, blood, promises,
Are now, as then, the same.
! O glorious truth, be this my stay.
When sweet sensations cease,
This only can renew my joy,1
And give me stable peace.
I fA THOU, whose tender mercy hears
Contrition’s humble sigh ;
Whose hand indulgent wipes the tears
From sorrow’s weeping eye.
t See, low before thy throne of grace,
A wretched wand’rer mourn :
Hast thou not bid me seek thy face !
Hast thou not said—Return ?