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ing me to inform his uncle next day of this new-'- |
iiarted adventure, and to defire he would fend him
a thoufand piftoles to enfure its fuccefs.
I did not fail to give the duke of Lerma an
exaft account of what had pafled; concealing only
one circumftance. I did not fpeak a fyliable of ;
Scipio, but took to myfelf the honour of the dif- j
covery, according to the praftice of thofe who i
live among the great.
By thefe means I acquired a great many com¬
pliments. “ Mr. Gil Bias, (faid the minifter to j
me, with an air of raillery) I am ravilhed to find :
that with your other talents, you likewife poflefs
that of difcovering obliging beauties : when I have
occafion for one of that clafs,. you will give me
leave to apply to you.” “ My lord,' (I replied
in the fame tone) 1 thank your grace for intending
me the preference ; but give me leave to fay, that
I fhould be fcrupulous in ferving your excellency
in that manner. Signior Rodrigo has been fo long
in poflefiion of that employment, that it would
be unjuft in me to deprive him of it.” The duke
fmiled at my anfwer, then changing the difcourfe, ‘
a freed if his nephew did not want money for this
adventure. “ Pardon me, (faid 1) he begs you
will fend him a thoufand piftoles.” “ Very well,
(replied the minifter) carry them to him, bid him
fpare nothing, but approve of whatever expence
the prince ihall propofe.
C H A P. XI.
9Tr frivate viftt and pnfentt which the prince of Spain
made to Catalina.
IWent that inftant with five hundred double
piftoles to the count de Lemos, who told me,
#< you could not come in better feafon, I have