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C I L B L A S. 17*
fliall take care to apprife the ladies, of the night
that (hall be chofen for that purpofe.---Item, The
prince (hall not vifit the faid ladies but as an or¬
dinary gallant, with no other attendants than me
and his Mercury in chief.
After this convention, the atmt and niece (hewed
me all manner of friendlhip, and adumed a fami¬
liarity of behaviour, in confequence of which, I
ventured fome hugs, which were not very ill re¬
ceived ; and when we parted, they embraced me
of their own accord, and loaded me with carefles.
It is really wortderful to fee with what facility an
intimacy is contrafted between the courtiers of
gallantry, and the women who want their fervice.
Had people obferved me leave this houfe, with fuch
marks of favour, they might have faid with fomo
appearance of juftice, that I was much happier
than I adually found myfelf.-—The count de Le-
mos was overjoyed, when I let him know that
1 had made fuch a difcovery as he defired. I fpoke
■ of Catalina in fuch a manner as made him long to
fee her. 1 carried him to her lodgings next
night, and He owned that I had been very fuccefs-
' tul. He told the ladies, he did not at all doubt
I that the prince would be perfectly well fatisfied
with the miftrefs which I had chofen for him, and
1 that (he, on her part, would have caufe to be con-
! tented with fuch a lover ; that the young prince
was full of generofity and fweetnefs of temper :
; in (hort, he aflured them, that he would bring
him to their houfe In a feAr days, as they defired
he (hould come, that is, without noife or atten¬
dance. This nobleman afterwards took his leave
of them, and 1 withdrew in his company. We
got back to bis equipage, in which we had come
' thither, and which waited for us at the end of thj
&?«:; l.c it\ me down at my own houfe, charg¬