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there was. no .pccafion to accompany if with »|
piece of raillery.” “ I don’t .rally indeed, madam,
(cried I) nothing is more ferious : X have orders to'
find out a lady who deferves to be honoured witbt
the private viiits of the prince of Spain j I find:
fuch a one in your houfe, and mark k for th«!
Sigpiora Mencia was aftonilhed at thefe words,:
which I perceived did not much difpleafe her : ne*|
Verthelcfs, believing that Ihe ought to afFedt re-
ferve, fhe anfwered in this manner ; “ If I was;
difpofed. to credit literally what you fay, you mufti
know that I am not of fuch a charafler, as to re-i
joice in the. infamous honopr of feeing my niece:
miftrefs to a prince. My virtue dUapproves---^
“ What a faip^you are with ycur virtue ! (faid I,:
interrupting }ierj you talk like one bredtamong filly'
citizens. . Sure yiu jvke, in pretending to confiderf
things in a nv ral point pf view ? that would be?
firipping them cf all their beauty ; they muft be;
furveyed wirlv a.pafpaleye. Behold the heir appa¬
rent of Spain at, tlie .feet of the .happy Catalina,i
adoring and. loading.her withprefents; and remem-1;
ber thatfrem her perhaps will fpiing a hero, who
will repderhismothsr's name immortal as his own '
Although the aunt would have gladly embraced':
my prepofal, fhe feigned herfelf irrefolme about!
the tpntter; and Catalina, who wilhed the prince
already ip her chains, afTediqd great indifference J
fo that I was obliged toinveflf the place a-ne\V, un-’
til at length, Signiora. Mencia feeing me repolfed^
and ready to raife,the. liege, beat the Charhade,
and we agreed upon a capitulation, which contain’d
the two foil wing articles. Imprimis, If tht
prince of Spain, on the report that I fhall make
of Catalina’s charms, lhall be inflamed, and de^ to ho.:our her with » fioduinai vifit, I