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fpt'ke to the prince; he has bit at the hook, and
hums with impatience to fee Catalina. This very
night he intends to flip privately out of the palace,
in order to vifit her. It is a thing determined,
and our meafures are taken accordingly. Inform
the ladies of his refolution, and give them that
money which you have brought; for it is right to
let them fee that he is no ordinary lover whom
they are to receive ; hefidesi the bounty of prin¬
ces ought to precede their intrigues. As you will
accompany him, together with me, (added he) be
' fure of being at his eouchee this evening. Your
coach alfo (for I think it is proper we Ihould ufe
it) mud wait for us near the palace about mid¬
I immediately repaired to the houfe, but did
not fee Catalina, who (they told me) was a-bed ;
fo that I could only fpeak with Signiora Mencia,
to whom I faid, “ Madam, pray excufe me for
appearing in your houfe by day; but it is not in
my power to do otherwife, for I muft give yeu no¬
tice, that the prince of Spain will be here this
night; and here (added I, putting the bag of money
in her hand) is an offering which he fends to the
temple of Cytherea, to render the divinities of the
| place propitious. You fee I have not engaged
you in a bad affair.” “ I am very much obliged
fo you, ((he replied) but tell me, Signior de San-
tillans, does the prince love mufic ?” “ He loves
t it (anfwered I) to diftradtion ; nothing can enter-
i tain him fo much as a fine voice, accompanied by
a lute delicately touch’d.” “ So much the better,
(cried (he, in a tranfport of joy) you give me In¬
finite pleafure in telling me this, for my niece has
the pipe of a nightingale, and plays upon the lute
to admiration ; (he likewife dances perfedHy well.”
“ WeSvens ! (cried I, in my turn) what perfec¬