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1 £6 The AD VENTURIS of ;
was a printer, who, in defpite of common fen(^>!
had enriched himfelf by boohs of knight emntr.v’.-
This honeft tradefman had pirated a work belong*:
rng to another printer, and his edition was feized. ]
Tor three hundred duca s, he obtained, through-
my means, a replevy, and efcaped a large fine.'
Though theminifter, properly fpeaking, hadnobtf-:
finefs with this affair, his excellency, at my re-
queff, was fo good as to imerpofc his aathority. I
After the printer, a merchant pafied through my
hands, on the following occafion. A Portugueze-
fhip had been taken by a corfair of Barbary, and;
afterwards re-taken by a privateer of Cadiz. Two
thirds of the loading belonged to a merchant of
Lifbon, who having reclaimed it in vain, came to:
court, in queft of a patron, who had credit)
Enough to caufe reftitution to be made. I in-;
terefted myfelf in his behalf, and he got poffeffioit
of his effefts, in confideration of a prefent which i
he made me, of four hundred piftoles, for my
1 Methinks I hear the reader cry in this place,-'
Fr.wo, Monfieur de Santillane, put hay into your
. ■ you are n a fine road, pufll your fortune-—.
• T will, I waraftt you 1 fee, if I am
. hen, my valet coming with a new prize,:
e his grappled—Right: it is Scipio- -let)
y- <•' »r him. Signior, (faid he) allow me to
introduce this famous operator to you. He wants ,
■i patent to fell his medicines, estclufive of all;
others, during the fpace of ten years, in all the
cities under the dominion of Spain ; that is, all
perfons of his profeflion ftiall be prohibited from
fettling in she place or places where herefides;
and he will pay, as an acknowledgment, two
hundred pifloles to any perfon who will procure