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GIL B L A S. I55
lodgement. As foon as he touched on that firing,
I put myfdf in motion, and _that very day re¬
counted his ftory to the duke, who having per¬
mitted me to introduce the cavalier, faid to him,
f‘ Don Roger, I am informed of the affair thalj
brought you to court ; Santiliane has told’ me
every circumftance ; make yourfelf eafy, you have
done nothing that is not excufabje; and it is par¬
ticularly to thofe gentlemen, who revenge their,
injured honour, that his majefty loves to (hew
favour. For the fake of form, you muft go to;
prifon ; but be adored, you fliall not continue
in it long. Your friend Santillane will take care
of the reft, and f on procure your enlargement.!
Don Roger made a profound bow to the mini-
fter, on whpfe word be furrendered himfelf-
His pardon, by my care, was expedited in a very
little time ; for in Jefs than ten days, I fent this ,
new Telemachus home to his Ulyfles and Pene.
lope j whereas, had. he been without a protedfor,
be would not, perhaps, have been quit for a whole
year’s imprifonment.” I touched no more than a
hundred piftoles for my good offices : fo that it
Was not a great catch. B it I was not yet a Cal-
derona, to defpife fmall matters.
Cr--' Bias finds rneasis to make a ccnfiderable fortune in a v ry
Jbort time, and gives bimfielf great airs accordingly.
THIS affair quickened my appetite ; and ten
piftoles which I gave to Scipio, for his right
of brokerage, encouraged him to go upon the
feent again. I have already extolled his talents
in this way : he might have been juftly entitled
;he great Scipio. Thefecond cuftomer he brought,
,P 2 was