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i54- The ADVENTURES of I
-I leave you to guefs the furprize of my mothetf,
at the return of a hulband, whom (he thought for
ever loft ; and the miraculous manner (if I mayj
be allowed the expreflion) in which he was re«<
ftored, became another caufe for her aftoniftimentj
He alked pardon for his barbarity, with fuch gei(
inline marks of repentance, that /he could noC
help being aftedled with them ; and, inftead of re¬
garding him as an alTaftin, looked upon him as a:
tnan to whom heaven had fubjefted her will; fo
facred is the name of hufband to a virtuous woi|
Eftephania had been fo anxious on my account^
that fhe was overjoyed at my return. But herj
pleafure was not without allay : the After of HorJ
dales had begun a criminal procefs againft the;
murderer of her brother, and caufed me to be
fearched for every where; in fuch a manner, that
my mother knowing how infecure I was at home,}
fuffered great uneaftnefs, which obliged me to fetj
out that very- night for court, where I come, Sig-
nior, to folicit my pardon, which I hope to ob-i
tain, fince you defign to fpeak to the prime-mi^
nifter in my behalf, and to fupport me with your;
whole credit.”
The valiant fon of Don Anaftafio here finilhedj
his narration ; upon, which I faid to him, with an:
• air of importance ; “Enough, Signior Don Roger,;
the cafe feems pardonable : I undertake to com-i
municate your affair to his excellency, and I will;
venture to promife you his protedHon.” The!
Grenadine, upon this affurance, launched out in¬
to a world of thanks, which would only have
entered at one ear and gone out at the other, had
he nut affured me, that whatever fervice 1 fhould
do him, would be dofe followed by his acknow-j
- 5 '■ ledgement.