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G I L B L A S. 157
for him the faid privilege.” I faid to the Moun¬
tebank, afluming the patron, “ Well, friend, your
bufinefs fliall be done.” Sure enough, in a verj?
few days, I difpatched him with patents, which
entitled him to cheat the people exclufively,
through all the kingdoms of Spain,
Though my wealth increafed, 1 had obtained
of his excellency the four favours I had alked, fo
eafily, that I never hefitated in requefting a fifth ;
which was the government of the city of Vera,
on the confines of Grenada, for a knight of
Calatrava*, who promifed me a thoufand pi-
ftoles for the place. The minifler laughed to fee
me fo hot on the game : “ Egad, Gil Bias (faid
he) you go on at a rare rate: you muft be furi-
oufly inclined to oblige your neighbour. Hark’ye,
1 fliall not ftand upon trifl.s with you i but when
you demand governments, and other confiderable
favours, you fliall, if you pleafe, be contented with
one half of the profit, and be accountable for the
other to me. You can’t imagine (added he) what
expence I am obliged to be at, or how many re¬
sources 1 muft have to fppport the dignity of my
poft; for, notwithftanding the difinterefted appear¬
ance J aflume, I confcfs, I am not imprudent
* Calatrava, a military order of knighthood in Spain;
inflituted in the year 1158, during the reign of Sancho
the third, king of Caftile. This fociety'has formerly
fignalized its zeal and courage, in manv battles againtl
the infidels, and is flill pofiefled of 56 commanderies,
and fxteen priories. The habit of the order, is a large
white mantle, with a red trofs on the left fide, pow¬
dered with flowers de luce. The knights make a vow
of poverty, obedience and conjugal fidelity : and take
an oath to maintain the immaculate, conception of the
Mefled vjrgin.