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144- The At) VENTURE £ of
plying to Don Rodrigo de Calderona, whofe pot
lie had heard greatly extolled ; but 1 have chan^
his intention, by affuring him that Calderona fell*]
his good offices at an extravagant rate ; whereas,
you content yourfelf with a moderate gratification
for yours 5 and that you would even employ them
gratis, were you in a condition that permitted you
to follow your generous and difinterefted indina-j
tion ; in ffiort, I fpoke to him in fuch a manner,
as that you will fee the gentleman at your levee
to-morrow morning. “How! (faid I) Mr. Sci-
pio, you have already done a great deal of worth i
I perceive that you are no novice in matters of.
intrigue; and am furprized that you have not
made your fortune.” “ That ought not to fur-
prize you ; (he replied) I love to make money cir¬
culate, and never hoard up what I get.’*
Don Roger de Rada a dually came to my lodg¬
ings, and I received him with politenefs mixed
with pride. “ Signior Cavalier (faid I) before I
engage to ferve you, I mart know the affair of
honour that brings you to court; for it may be of
fuch a nature, that I dare not fpeafc to the prime
minifter in your behalf: make therefore, if you
pleafe, a faithful report of it, and be allured that
I will enter warmly into your interefts, provided
a man of honour may efpoufe them.” “ With
all my heart, (replied the young Grenadine) I will
fincerely recount my ftory.” At the fame time,
he related it as follows.