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G I L B L A S. 143
•devout appearance, that I would have nothing to
'do with him; he looked too much like Atnbrofe
; de Lamela. “ I don’t want (faid I to Forero) a
valet of fuch a religious deportment; I have been
1 already bit by fuch another. Scarce had\I difmif-
, fed this lacquey, - when another came in, of a very
fprighrly appearance, as impudent as a court page,
with fomething roguilh in his looks. Pleafed with
.his ©utfide, 1 put fome queflions to him, which
he anfwered with fpirit. 1 obferved that he was of
an intriguing difpofnion, and looking upon him as
a fubjeil pat for my purpofe, engaged him im-
inediately. I had no caufe to repent of my choice;
: nay, I perceived, in a very little time, that I had
. made an admirable acquifnion. As the duke had
-permitted me to fpeak to him, in favour of peo¬
ple whom I wanted to ferve, and I was refolved
rot to negledl this permiflion;. I had occafion
for a jack-call to difcover the game 5 that is, an
'jnduftrfous,-.pleafant fellow, proper to find out,
and allure thofe who had favours to a(k of the
prime minifler: this office was quite the mafter-
-piece of Scipio (fuch was my lacquey’s name) who
had rbeen in the fervice of.Donna Anna de Gue¬
vara, pprCe to the prince of Spain, where he had
.e.xercifed that talent »p fome purpofe.
As foon as he underftood my credit; and that
3 ffioold be: glad to ufe it to the beft advantage,
he,fe*-4o workl'.and that very day.faid to me,
“ Signior, 1 have made a pretty good difcovery ;
a young gentleman of Grenada, called Don Roger
de Rada, is come to Madrid on an affair of ho¬
nour, which obliges him to folicit the duke of
Lerir.a’s protection, and he is willing to pay well
for the favour he (hail obtain ; I have already
Jj’toke^with him, and found him defirous of ap-
• - — O 1 plying