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he was convinced of my fmcere attachment to his.f
perfon, for which he loved me the mote.
C; H A P. VI r.
'The good ufe to which be put his fifteen hundred ducats ;
the firft affair in which he intermeddled, and the pro¬
fit from thence accruing.
TH E king, as if he had intended to gratify
my impatience, returned the very next day,!
to Madrid ; upon which, I flew inftantly to the.:
royal treafury, where I immediately touched the!
fum contained'in my order. I now liftened to no-;
thing but my vanity and ambition ; I abandoned,
my miferable room to thofe fecretaries who are ftill
ignorant of the language of birds, and onceimore:
hired my fine apartment, which wai luckily unte-j
named, I fent for a famous taylor, who workedf
for almoft all the beaus ; he took my meafu e, and t
carried me to a fhop .where he took off five ells of-y
Cloth, which (hefaid) was barely fufficient to make,:
a fuit for me. Five ells for a fuit in the Spanifc;
tafte ! juft heaven ! but let us fpare our cen-';
fore. Taylors of reputation always ufe-morev
than others. I then bought fome linen which I,1]
wanted very much, (ilk dockings, and a beaver j
laced with point d’efpagne. This being done, T
thought it would not look well for me to be with-f'
out a lacquey, and defired Vincent Forero, my,'
landlord, to accommodate me with one of his owri.1
recommendation. Moft ol the ftrangers who-1
lodged with him, ufed, on their arrival at Ma-*
drid, to t. ke Spanilh valets into their fervice, >
by which means his houfe was the rendezvous of i
all the lacqueys out of place. The firft that pre-
fented himfelf, was a young fellow of fuch a fofc