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* T L B L A S; T4S
' 7be bijlvry of Don Roger dt Rada.
DON Anaflalio de Rada, a Grenadine gentle. ..
man, lived happily in the town of Ante,
ipiera,' wi'h Donna Eftephania his wife, who to-
•jether-with unblemiftied virtue, poflefled a gentle
■difpofition and a great fhare of beauty. If (he
'had a tender affeftioi) for her hufband, he was alfo
; diftraftedly fond of her, and being naturally ad-
dtfted to jealoufy, (though he had not the lead
caufe to ftifpeft her fidelity) was not without dif-
.quiet. He was afraid Tome fecret enemy of his
repofe, made’attempts upon his honour ; he dif-
•trdfled ail his friends, except Don Huberto de Hor-
’dales, wlio had free accefs to.his houfe in quality of
Jftephflnia’s coufin, and who, indeed, was the only
man he ought to have fufpeiRed.
Don Huberto a£ually fell in love with his kinf-
| woman, and had prefumption enough to declare
! - his paflion, without regard to ties of blood, or
j the particular friendfliip fubfifting between him
J -and Anaflafio. The lady being a woman of dif-
| eretion, infteadof making a difeovery which might
■ have been attended with melancholy confequences,
■ 1 reprimanded her relation with gentlenefs, repre-
1 fented Jo him how much he was to blame, in
* attempting to feduce her and difhonour her huf-
j ‘ band j and told him very ferioufly, that he mud
nst flatter himfelf with the hope of fuccefs.
: This moderation feem’d only to inflame the
■ cavalier the more ; and imagining that he muft
pu(h things to extremity with a womaif of her
i' charafter, he began to behave very difrefpefffully
to her,. and one day had the audacity to prefs her
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