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©IL BLAS. *frj
-he phyfician drefled himfelf as Toon as he could,
»d went away ; while his wife, in a loofe gown,
t |me along with the duenna into the hall where
cwas, and drawing me from under the table
r ore dead than alive, “ You have nothing to
j ar, Diego (faid fhe) recollect yourfelf.” Then
• i r a few words, Ihe told me what had happened,
id wanted to renew the converfation which had
;en interrupted ; but this the governante cppo-
d, faying, “ Madam, perhaps your hufband wall
; nd the bookfelier dead, and return immediate-
Befides> (added fhe, perceiving me be-
»amb’d wjth fear) w-hat, would you do with this
soor lad ? He is in no condition to maintain the
• inference, w'hich you had better defer till to¬
morrow.”—Donna Mergellina confented to this
i ropofal, not without regret; fo well did Ihe love
he prefent time: and I believe fhe was very
• iuch mortified, that fhe could not then beftow
Spon the dodlor the new cap fhe had deflined for
■ i‘ As for my own part, left forry for having been
r aulked of love’s moft precious favours, than glad
a be out of danger, I went back to my maficr’s
i! oufe, where I fpent the night in refledling upon
hy adventure.—1 hefitated fome time about go-
t^g to the place of rendezvous next night, ha¬
ring as bad an opinion of this fecond enterprife
:s of the fir ft ; but the devil, wdio is always lay-
sng clofe fiege to us, or rather, on fuch occafions,
akes pofieftion of our faculties, fuggefted, that I
■ s hould be a great booby to flop fhort in the mid -
idle of fuch a delightful journey ; reprefented to
;s ny fancy Mergellina adorned with new charms,
(,nd heightened the value of the pleafures that a-
Waited me: fo that I refolved to purfue my
a joint, and flattering myfelf with the hope of be¬