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i <*4 THE adventures of
having with more courage than before, repaij i
in this difpoiition to the doctor’s doox*, betwei
eleven and twelve next night, which was fo dg:
that not one ftar appeared in the firmame] Ik
I mewed for two or three- times, to give not: i
that I was in the ftreet; and nobody coming t
the door, I not only repeated the fignal, but a
mimicked all the different expreflions of a c L
which a Ihepherd of Olmedo had taught me; a 1
acquitted myfelf fo well, that a neighbour goii i
home, and miftaking me for one of thofe ax *'
ma’s whofe notes I imitated, took up a flint fto a-
he found at his feet, and threw it at me with 11
whole flrength, faying, “ Curfe on the caterwa r
ler!” I received the blow upon m-y head, whi'ir
flunned me fo much, that I had well nigh turn:
bled backwards. I felt myfelf wounded: a c.s:
cumflance fufficient to give me a difgufl at ga te
lantry; and, lofing my love with my blood, r t
turned to our houfe, where 1 alarmed and raifl la¬
the whole family. My mafler examined ar t
dreffed my wound, which he thought dangerop b
but it was attended with no bad. confequenc i
and in three weeks difappeared.—During i
that time I heard not one lyliable about Merge i
lina : and it is not unlikely that Dame Melanci tc
in order to detach her from me, introduced hi i
to fome better acquaintance. But this gave m r
no concern ; for as foon as I found myfelf pel c
fe&ly cured I left Madrid, in order to perfom
my tour of Spain.