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It. If
ry thing in her power to encourage me, and' p
tifed fo many different endeavours for that *
pofe, that fhe fucceeded at laft, and i refolvq l
profit by the occafion; but juft as Cupid, atteif
ed by the Sports and Smiles, was about to cn
my happinefs, we were aftonifhed by a loud
at the ftreet door. Immediately Love and
train took wing, like a flock of fearful birds
fperfed by fudden noife! Mergelhna concP
ed me in a hurry under a table that was in
hall; then blowing out the lamp, as it had bs
agreed upon between her govemante and hej I
cafe fuch a crofs accident fliould happen, fhe w t
to the chamber where her hufband was a-bedjr
In the mean time, the whole houfe rung with
repeated knocks that were thundered at the dc u
and the do<ftor, ftarting out of his fleep, ca
Melancia The duenna jumping oitt of t
(although the doftor, wftio miftook her for
wife, bid her lie ftill) joined her miftrefs in
dark, who, feeling her, called Melancia alfo,
bid her go and fee who knocked at the do;
“ Madam, (anfwered the governante) I am h
— Go to bed again, if you pleafe, and I will
and fee what is the matter.” Meanwhile, M|f
gellina having undrcfted, flipt .into bed to
docftor, wTho had not the leaft fufpicion of
trick. ’Tis true, indeed, this fcene was p ■
fcrmed in the dark by rwo a&ieffes, one
whom was mat chiefs in her way, and the oth
an admirable proficient.
The duenna, wrapt in a robe de chambre, 21
penring foon after with a candle in her hand, f;.
to her mailer, “ Signor doblor, be fo good asi |.
rife: the bookfeller, Fernandez de Buendia, C:
neighbour, has fallen into an apoplexy, and y t
are defired to go with, all hafte to his afiiflance,