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Clare that my heart entertains a paffion v/hich j r
your fliall not impair; fo you m !j-
take your meafures accordingly, and redout-
your vigilance ; for I confefs I will fpare nothij it
to deceive it.” At thefe words the grim-facj i
duenna, (w'ho I imagined, w'as about to give
a fample of her office) cleared up her aulte» :
countenance, and faid, with a fmiling air, “ I a ^
charmed with your humour; your Frankmc;
encourages mine, and 1 fee we are deligned f :.
one another! Ah, my fair Mergellinal how li
tie are you acquainted with me, when you judjt
by the chara<fl:eryour fpoufe the dodor gives m •
and by this four afped I allume ! I am fo f;
from being any entn.y to pleafure, that my foh
motive for hiring myfelf as the minifter of jes
lous hulbands is, that I may the more effedualh
fcrve their handfome wives. I have long pofle i
fed the great myftery of difguiling myfelf; an.:
I may call myfelf doubly happy, becaufe I er
joy the convenience of lin and the reputation c
virtue at the fame time. Between you and m< r
this is the fcope of mankind in general: virtu ‘
itfelfis too difficult to be acquired ; and there i
fore people are fatisfied w iih pofieffing the ap a
pearance of it.”
“ Leave your condud to my diredion, (addeu
the governante) and h w arrant you, we will fool t
impofe upon old Dodor Olorofo, w'ho, by m;;
troth, ffiall foon ffiare the fate of Signor Apuntga?
cior ; for I don’t fee why the forehead of a phy it
fifan ffiould be more refpeded than that of ait
apothecary. Poor Apumador ! how many trick \
his wife and 1 have played him ! She was a love ip
ly creature ! a good-humoured foul, heaven ref 1
it! I can affure you, fhe made a good ufe ofhe, r
youth; and did not want abundance of admirers»