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G I L B L A S. 155
iljfition you have deprived me of! Why do I
11:11 poilefs thefe happy defects, which would
; j1 preferved :ny tranquillity: whereas your
ibreet remonftrances have robbed me of the
, fe 1 enjoyed ! You have corrupted my mc-
- f by endeavouring to correct them. But
[ t do I fay, (added ihe) wretch that I an!
- do I reproach you unjuitly ! !So, my father,
r ;are not the author of my misfortune, which
rl fate alone decrees! Don’t therefore take
ce, 1 conjure you, of the extravagant dif-
rfe that efcapes me! Alas! my patlion li¬
ters my underltanding! Have p;ty on my
nftknefs; you are all my comfort, and i! , >.i
] e any regard for my life, do not rciufe ^o^r
.tj dance.”
\t thefe words, her tears redoubi i ng in fuch a
i.nner that ihe could not go on, fne coverec her
- . p with her handkerchief, and threw herielf
f'j pn a chair, like a peidbn linking under aiilic-
- n. Old Marcos, who was perhaps the belt foul
an uilrer that ever lived, could not refid fuch
moving fight, which affected him fo much, that
- i 'even mingled his tears with thofe of his n i-
■ efs, and faid with an air of tendernefs, “ Ah,
?&dam, how bewitching you are! 1 am not
-jijpof againft your forrow! My virtue is van-
riihed, and I promife you my aililtance. I a:n
•t furprifed that love has been able to make
i *u forget your duty, when pity only has fevered
from mine.” Accordingly, the ufher, in fpite
his irreproachable conduct, devoted himfelf
hy obligingly to the paifion of Mergellina, and
living come one morning to inform me of.what
;ad happened, told me at parting, that he had
thready concerted a plan for piucuring a fecret
-ii Iter view between the lady and me. This re-