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that fub‘”&, and who gave her no reft until'
gone. This experienced perfon, feeing h
ftrefs abandoned to a foolifh pafiion, was ;
ef fome crofs accident; and his fear was fol f[
fliii' d ror the doctor, e ther fufpe<fting fon-i
cr • o- rigue, or agitated by the demon c
loufy, who had refpected him hitherto, t.
in o hi; head to find fault with our corn
which he forbade in a peremptory manner«
without giving any reafon for his dilguft, c;l
re i that, for the future, he would intier no ;
£ rs to come within his doors.
Marcos advei tiled me of this declar! te
which was particularly intended tor me, and b
titled me not a little ; for 1 had conceived i|f-
I was lorry to tbrego. Neverthelefs, that i
adl the faithful hiftorian, I will own that T
my misfortune with patience. This was ncf
cai’e with Mergelhna, whofe fentiments t:
more inflamed than ever. “My dear Mai
(f tid the to her ulher) from you alone 1 e: $
ailiftance : fall upon tome method, 1 beg of r
to bring Diego and me together in privr
“ What do you aik ! cried the old man in a p
I have been already but too complaifant, k
will not undertake, by gratifying your lillyp
fion, to diftionour my matter, ruin your rejc
tion, and entail infamy upon myfeif. I, who m
always maintained the character of an t
proachable domeitic ! I will rather quit you*,
mily than ferve you in fuch a thameiul mani:
“Ah, Marcos! (cried the lady, interrupting
and frightened at his laft words) you pierce i
very heart, when you talk of leaving me ! C it
man! are you going to foriake me now, a
having reduced me to this condition ! Give
back my tonner pride, and that tavagenq