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fometimes that of fifhing; and if you love waDc-i
ing, we have delightful woods and gardens in a-
bundance : befides we fliall not want good com¬
pany ; and on the whole, I hope you will nol
grow melancholy among us.” I accepted his of¬
fer, and it was determined that we Ibould go tc
this charming place the very next day. Having
projedted this agreeable fcheme, we rofe from ta¬
ble ; and Don Raphael embracing me, in a tran-
fport of joy, faid, “ Signior Gil Bias, I will leave
my lifter to entertain you, while I go immediate¬
ly to give neceftary orders, and advertife thofe
people whom I intend (hall be of the party.” Sc
faying, he went out of the room, and I continu- ;
ed converling with the lady, who did not contra-
didl, by her difcourfe, the foft glances Ihe had
thrown at me. She took hold of my hand, and
looking at my ring faid, “ You have got a pret¬
ty diamond enough, but it is a very fmall one.
Are you a eonnoifteur in ftones?” When I am i
fwered in the negative, “ I am forry for it, (faid
Ihe) for you might have told me what this is
worth.” With thefe words, fhe fhewed me a
large ruby on her finger, and while I examined
it, added, “ An uncle of mine, who was gover¬
nor of the Spanifh colonies in the Phillipine Ifles,
made me a prefent of this ruby, which the
jewellers here in Valladolid value at three hun¬
dred piftoles.” “ I believe it is well worth thei
money, (faid I) for it is extremely beautiful.”'
M Since you are pleafed with it, (Ihe replied) I;
will make an exchange with you.” And immeJ
diately file pulled off my ring, and put her ownf
on my little finger. Having made this 6xchangeJ
which I looked upon as a genteel way of making!
a prefent, Camilla fqueezed my hand, and look-i:
ed at me in the molt languilhing manner; them