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G I L B L A S. 79
iy, we have the mod tender regard.” I an-
: ;red, as well as I could, to thefe compliments,
ich were followed by a great many more of
; fame nature, and interfperfed with a thou-
d careffes: after which, perceiving that my
>ts were dill on, they ordered their fervants to
11 them off: and we went into another room,
; iere, the cloth being laid, the gentleman, la-
, and I fat down to fupper; during which, they
1 a thoufand obliging things to me: not a
rd efcaped me, which they did not repeat as
: admirable droke of wit; snd it was furprifing
fee how attentive they were in prefenting me
;h all the daintied morfels. Don Raphael
nk frequently to the health of Donna Mencia,
which I followed his example ; and I imagi-
i 1 that Camilla, who did us judice, fometimes
! ew certain very fignidcant looks at me. I
;n obferved, that die chofe proper opportuni-
i of fo doing, as if die had been afraid that her
ther would perceive it. This was enough to
jfuade me of the lady’s being fmitten ; and I
;$ered myfelf with the hope of profiting by
I difcovery, during my diort day at Vallado-
This.hope induced me to yield, without dif-
iilty, to their entreaties, when they requeded.
Jto fpend a few days with them. They thank-
me for my complaifance, and the joy which
miila difcovered on this occafion, confirmed
in the opinion, that I had found the way to
i heart.
)on Raphael feeing me determined to day
h him fome time, propofed to carry me to his
jntry houfe, of which he gave me a magnifi-
•t defcription ; and talked of the pleafures he
' dd there entertain me with. “ Sometimes
- d he) we will take the diverfion of hunting,