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I am extremely glad of your return ! you will
fill me in doing honour to Signior Gil Bias
Santillane : to whom we can never enough fhi
our gratitude for what he has «!one in behalf aii
our kinfwoman Donna Mencia: there (addeo
flie, giving him a letter) you may read what ih«l
has wrote on the fubjedt.” Don Raphael open
ing the letter, pronounced thefe words aloud— ■
My dear Camilla,
I^IGNIOR Gil Bias of Santillane, who prefer| |
ved my honour as wTell as my life, has fet out tbffl
court; and as he wrill, doubtlefs, pafs throur;h|:
Valladolid, I conjure you by the blood, and fliM.
more by the friendfhip that unites us, to fhe\w
him all the refpedt in your power, and detains;
him fome time in your family. I flatter myfesf]
that you will give me that fatisfadlion, and thatl,
my deliverer will receive all manner of civilityl
from you and my coufin Don Raphael. At Bur«
gos, your affectionate kinfwoman,
Donna MenciaJ
“ Howt (cried Don Raphael) is this the gentleJ
man to whom my coulin owes her honour and*
life? Ah! heaven be praifed for this happy renJ
counter!” So Lying, he approached, and clafp-1
ing me in his arms, “ Wha't joy do ] feel, (faidl
he) in embracing Signior Gil Bias of Santillane !|
my coufin the marchionefs had no occafion to lay!
fuch injunctions upon us: it would have been
fufticient to let us know, that you wras to pafsl
through Valladolid : my filter and I know veryj
well how to behave ourfelves towards a gentleJ
man, w ho has performed fuch an important piece!
of fervice to the perfon for whom,, of ail our fa-i
mily. i