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u:i tarting up abruptly, wiflied me good night/and
asirt. withdrew in great con.fufion, as if fhe had been
a ifliamed of difckjfing her fentiments.
tIi! BNovice as I was in gallantry, I knew well e-
;, :tlough howto interpret this precipitate retreat
:o;n my favour, and concluded that I ilioukl pal’s
ny time very agreeably at their villa. Full of
Mii Ks flattering idea, and the prpfperous condition
J- af my affairs, I locked myfelf in the chamber
f where I was to lie, after having ordered my fer-
v.ant to come and wake me early in the morn-
iing; but inftead of going to reft, I gave a loofe
i} to thofe agreeable refledions, which my port-
fijhianteau that lay on the table, and my ruby,
i-infpired. Thank heaven? faid I to myfelf, il I
ilhave been unfortunate, tain no longer fo. On
one flde a thpufand ducats a ring, worth three
hundred piftoles, on the other! My finances will
not be exhaufted in a hurry !. I fee now that Ma-
juelo did not flatter me. I fhall inflame the
1 hearts of a tboufund ladies at Madrid, fince I
:.h ve made fuch an ealy conqueft of Camilla.
The favours of that generous lady pvefented
themfelves to my imagination, with all their
charms; and I anticipated the diveriions that
Don Raphael prepared for me at his he ufe in the
'country. In the midft of thefe plealing images,
however, ileep did not fail to fhed his poppies
over me ; fo that finding myfelf drowiy, I un-
drefled, and went to bed.
Next morning, when I awaked, I perceived
that it was already late, ,rnd was a good deal fur-
pi ifed, that my valet did not appear in confe-
quence of the order 1 had given him over night,
y ' Amu role, laid 1 to myfelf, my faithful Ambrofe,
:• is either at church, or very lazy to-day. But I
■il foon loft that opinion of him, and conceived one