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GIL B L A. S. 73
.I at very day I made my fecond vifit to Donna
■;hcia, who ftill rece.we.d me very kindly, and
Ujnked me again for the fervice I had done her.
Ethat fcore, many compliments pafled on both
s: after which, wifhing me all happinefs, die
le me farewell, and retired without giving me
f thing but a ring worth thirty piftoles, which
| defired me to keep in remembrance of her.
i looked very blank with my ring, having laid
: account with receiving a much more confi-
able prefent, and trudged back to my lod-
;gs in a brown fludy, little fatisfied with the la¬
’s generality. But juft as I entered the inn, a
n, who had followed me all the way, came in
ewife, and laying afide the cloak in which he
£ muftied up, difcbvered a great bag under his
Ii. At the apparition of this bag, which had
the air of joeing full of money, I, as well as
le other people who were prefent, flared with
ir eyes wide open ; and I thought 1 heard the
_ ce of an angel, when the man laying the bag
|~?n a table, pronounced, “ Sigmor Gil Bias,
e is fomething that my lady marchionefs has
t you.”, I made a profound bow to the bearer,
om I overwhelmed with civility ; and he was
fooner gone than I darted upon the bag, like
,avvk upon his prey, and carrying it to my
imber, untied it, without lofs of time, and
nd in it a thoufand ducats. I had juft made
end of counting them, when my landlord,
Jko had heard what the porter faid, came in to
ij the contents of the bag. Thunderilruck at
fight of my coin fpread upon my table,
ifeounds, (ciied he) what a vail fum of money
were 1 You mull be a devil among the women,
Mded he, with a fatifical fmile) for-although
ijjii have not been four and twenty hours in Bur-
<ij|VoL. I. H gos