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gos, you have a marchionefs already under cq;
This difcourfe did not difguft me ; I w
tempted to leave Majuelo in his miftake, whi|:.
already gave me a fenfible pleafure : fo that 11
not wonder that young fellows love to be thougr
men of intrigue. My innocence, however, gj
the better of my vanity: I undeceived my lam
Jord, and recounted the ftory of Donna Menci.
to which he liftened with great attention. I th«
difclofed the Hate of my affairs, and as he feeifc
ed to intereft himfelf in my behalf, begged tl|
afiiftance of his advice. Having mufed a whijL
“ Signior Gil Bias, (faid he) I have a regard f|
you; and fince you have confidence enough !L
me, to unbofom yourfelf in this manner, I wii
without flattery, tell you what 1 think you aj,
fitteft for. As you feem defigned by nature
the court, I advife you to go thither, and atta®.;-
yourfelf to fome grandee: but be fure neither!
meddle in his concerns, or enter into his pleaj
fures; otherwife you will lofe your time. ;
know the great. They look upon the zeal an:'
attachment of an honeft man as nothing ||,
all; and mind only fuch as are neceflary to thentj
But you have another refource (continued he)
you are young and handfome ; and thefe quali t
fications alone, without the leaft glimpfe of un,:
derftanding, are more than fufficient to captivate
a rich widow, or fome fine lady unhappily man
ried: if love ruins gentlemen of fortune, it of
ten maintains thofe who have none. It is nv
advice therefore, that you go to Madrid; bu
you muff by no means appear without attendji
ants: they .judge there, as in other places, by ap
pearance; and you will be confidered only u
proportion to the figure you make. I will re