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I was bent upon it, obferved that I had an d||
cedent tafte. “ Odds bodkins! (cried he) on i
may fee you know what ynu are about! I ear*
tell you, that fuit was made for one of the grd
eft lords in the kingdom, who never had it thnl:
times on his back. Examine the velvei; nc}
thing can be finer; and as for the embroideP
you muft confefs the work is exquifite.” W1
will you fell it for? (laid I;) he anfwei
“ Sixty ducats: I am a rogue if I have not
fufed the mony.” The alternative was plain
offered five and forty, which might be ab(
double the value. “ Mr what d’ye call urn, |
plied the broker, with an air of indifference
never exatft too much. I am always at a wq
Here (continued he, fire wing me fome of thoi
had refufed) buy this. I’ll fell it a pennywort®
This was only to excite my defire or purchal™
that which I_ had cheapened; and according
imagining that he would not abate one fartl^^
of his price, I counted into his hand the fn®!'
ducats. When he faw me part with them ^
eafily, I believe, in fpite of his boafted hone!
he wifhed that he had afked a great deal m<
pretty well fatisfied, however, with having gs
ed nineteen {hillings in the pound, he went;
way with his apprentices, whom I had not
Having now a very haudfome cloak, doubll
and breeches, I fpent the reft of the morning
providing other neceffaries. I bought a hat, ^
{lockings, fhoes, linen and a fword ; after wbij
having drefled, what infinite pleafure had I in ti
holding myfelf fo well equipped ! My eyes | |
ufe the exprdllon) could not fufficiently g
themfelves with my attire! Never peacock c{
templated his own feathers with more fatisfadlii