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h, and endeavour to make my fortune in the
ng refolved upon this, I longed for day
ic utmoft impatience: and no fooner per-
red the glimpfe of light, than I got up, a id
de fo much noife in the inn, that I wakened
thofe who were afleep. I called the waiters
!> were ftill a-bed, and who loaded me wkh
>fes by way of anfwer.
They were obliged to rife, however, and I gave
5m no quarter until one of them had gone for
broker, who foon appeared, followed by two
uentices, carrying each a great green bag on
fhoulders. He fainted me with great civility,
ing, “ Signior Cavalier, you are very happy
laving applied to me, rather than to any o-
r body. I don't chufe to difparage my bre-
en. God forbid that 1 fhould prejudife their
Iiutation in the leaft! but between you and
[ there is no confcience among them. They
\ all as abandoned as Jews. I am the only
fieft broker in town. I confjne myfelf to a
peyate profit: being fatisfied with a pound in
j (hilling 1 mean a (hilling in' the pound.
jank heaven ! I deal upon the fquare with all
pie broker, after this preamble, which I took
gofpel, ordered his men to untie the bundles,
L (hewed me fuits of all colours. Some were
plain cloth, which I rejected with difdain, as
ng too mean: but they made me try one which
med to have been made exactly for my fhape,
l which (truck my fancy, although fomewhut
hi. It confided of a doublet with flaflied
feves,- a pair o: be. aches and a cloak, the whole
Jalue velvet embroidered with gold. Fixing
[this I cheapened it, and the broker perceiving
I was