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fhewed my purfe. I even counted my ducaflL
on a table before him, and obferving that m)(
coin altered his opinion very much in my favo«|
delired he would recommend me to a tailMj,
“ You had better (laid he) fend for a broMjy
who will bring along with him all kinds of a»
parel ready made, and fit you in a trice.” I ajj-
proved of his advice, and refolved to follow n
but the day being near a clofe, deferred my pufr|
chafe till next morning, and thought of nothirip
but making a good fupper, to indemnify me fm
the lorry meals I had made fince my deliverande
from the cavern.
Of the mminer in which Gil Bias dre(fed hitnfM
Of the pre/ent he receiv£d from the taak
and the equipage in which he departed frm
T HEY brought for my fupper a huge fricaflwj
of fheep trotters, which I picked to ! aj',
and having drank in proportion, beto<
myfelf to reft. As I had the convenience of i||
good bed, I was in hopes of enjoying a four
lleep: but for al! that, could not clofe my ey
my thoughts being engrofied in determining u}»|]
on the drefs I was to choofe. “ What mud*
do? (laid 1 to myfelf) profecute my firft dehgJI
buy a caflbck, and go to Salamanca in queft of|!
tutor’s place: But why fhould I take the hab|j|!
of a licentiate ? Am I ambitious of confecrutlngjl
myfelf to the church ? or have I the lead biaL
that way ! No, 1 feel myfelf (on the contrary)J
quite otbervvife inclined: I will turn g>- atl*1