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of converfing with you, will go and finilh, at a di-..
fiance, that miferable life, which I facrihce tq
your quiet.”
“ No, Don Alvaro! no! (cried I at thefai;
words).! will not fuller you to leave me a fecoadi
time ! I will go along with you, and death a’- n|L
fhall divide us!” “ Take my advice, (faid hell
and live with Don Ambrolia; do not atTocia*.
yourfelf with my misfortunes, but leave me a-r
lone to fupport the weight of them.” He laid
other things to the fame purpofe, but the more,
he feemed willing to facritice himfelf to my hap*:
pinefs, 1 felt myfelf the lefs difpofed to confent to;
it; and when he faw me firmly refolved to m
low him, he changed his tone all of a fuddedk;
and afluming a more femne air, faid, “ Madatnjlj-
fince you have Hill fo much love for Don Al-j
varo, as to prefer his mifery to the profperity yofl;
now enjoy, let us go and live at Betancos, |t;|.
the farther end of the kingdom of Gallicia,^
where I have g fecret retreat. Although my;
misforunes havO' ruined my eftate, they have nltii.
yet deprived me of friends: I have ftill fome faith|L
ful ones I'emaining, Mrho have put me in a coni-1
tion to carry you off : by their afliftance 1 ha^ei|
provided a coach at Zamora, bought mules arid
horfes, and am accompanied by three refoluteG;*
licians, armed with carabines and pilfols, who '\va|t
for my orders at the village of Rodillas. Let t$ij
therefore (added he) take the advantage of Don i
Ambrofio’s abfence : 1 will order the coach lojj,
come to the callle-gate, and w'e will let out in*;
ftantly. I confented. Don Alvaro flew to R.o- k
dillas, and returned in a fhort time, with his threel j
attendants, to carry me off from the midfl: of my
women, who not knowing what to think of tlfs.
event, ran all away in the utmofl confternationfl L