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Jj2 confolation in my mifery to fee you again
jjjthout u bluili.”
' My dear Mencia ! (replied Don Alvaro, with
:'|ibok that teflified how much he was a'Tefted by
if tears) I do not complain; and far fi on re¬
packing you with the fplendid condition in
Iich 1 find you, by all my hopes I thank hea-
i for it. Since the melancholy day of my de-
ture from Valladolid, fate has been always
;erfe, and my life but a chain of misfortunes;
l, to crown my mifery, it never was in my
ver to let you hear from me ! Too confident
your love, I incefiantly represented to myfelf
: condition to which my fatal tendernefs had
uluced you. My imagination painted Doni a
encia in her tears! You was the greateft of all
r misfortunes; and fometimes, I mull confefs,
lave looked upon myfelf as a criminal, in ha-
»g had the good foitune to pleafe you: I have
[ted that your affections had inclined towards
! ne one of my rivals, fince the preference you
veto ing had coft you fo dear. 2>Ieverthclefs,
aer feven years of fuffering, more in love than
A, l was refolved to fee you. 1 could not re-
j this delire, which, at the end of a long llavei y
ying an opportunity to fatisfy, I went, in this
c &uife, to Valladolid, at the hazard of my life ;
Sre, being informed of every thing, I came hi-
br, and found means to introduce myfelf into
4 - famil y of the gardener, who has hired me to
; irk under him. You fee in what manner I
!re conducted myfelf to obtain this private in-
/iew ; but do not imagine that my defign is
iilturb the felicity you enjoy, by remaining in
> place. No ! 1 love you more than myielf;
rve the utmolt regard for your repofe ; and
v that I have had the melancholy iatisfaChon