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ajiz alone was privy to it, but refufed to attach
If: fortune to mine, becaufe fhe was in love with
||alet de chambre of Don Ambrofio.
j l got into the coach with Don Alvaro, carry-
nothing with me but ray own clothes, and
I; jewels I had before my fecond marriage ;
would take nothing that the marquis had
n me, on that occafion. We took the road
allicia, without knowing if we fhould be fo
jy as to reach it, having reafon to fear that
Ambrofio, at his return, would purfue us
i a great number of people, and overtake us.
erthelefs, we continued our journey two
i, without feeing one horfeman behind us;
in hopes that the third would pafs in the
i manner, were converfing with each other in
t tranquillity ; Don Alvaro had juft recount-
he melancholy adventure which had given
Jfe to the report of his death; and how, after
Iving been a flave five years, he had recovered
1 liberty; when yefterday, on the road to Leon,
1 i met thofe thieves, with whom you wTas in
rfimpany. He is the perfon whom they murder-
with all his attendants, and for whom thefe
ij? tears are ftied.
y the difagrecable manner in which Gil Bias
%and the lady were interrupted.
'"XONNA Mencia having ended her relation,
§jt/ died a torrent of tears, while I, letting her
Je free vent to hur fighs, wept, alfo ; fo natural
t to intereft one’s felf for the unfortunate, e-
cially for a fine lady in diftrefs. I was .going