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56 a Explication of theTezt. State IV.
gels who fell with him, and became Devils. *Tis
faid to be prepared for them; bccaufe they finned,
and were condemned to Hell, before Man finned.
This fpcaks further Terror to the Damn’d, that
they muft go into the fame Torments, and Place of ^
Torment, with the Devil and his Angels, They hear-
kened to his Temptations, and they mufl partake
his Torments : His Works they would do, and
they muft receive the Wages, which is Death. In
this Life they joined with Devils, in Enmity againft
God and Chrift, and the Way of Holinefs ; and
in the other they muft lodge with them. Thus all
the Goats fhall be Ihut up together; for that Name
is common to Devils and wicked Men, in Scripture,
Lev. xvii. 7. where the Word rendred Devils
properly fignifies hairy Ones, or Goats, in the
Shape of which Creatures Devils delighted much
to appear to their Worfhippers. (3.) The laft
Aggravation of their Torment is the eternal Du¬
ration thereof they muft depart into everlafling |
Fire. This is it that puts the Cape-ftone upon
their Mifery, namely. That it fhall never have an
D O C T. ‘the Wicked Jhatt he Jhut up, under
the Curfe of God, in everlafling Mifery, with the
Devils, in Hell.
After having evinced. That there fhall be a Re-
furreBion of the Body, and a general Judgment,
I think it not needful to infift to prove the
Truth of future Punifhments. The fame Confci-
cnce there is in Men of a future Judgment, bears
Witncfs alfo of the Truth of future Punifhments.
(And that the Punifhment of the Damn’d fhall
not be Annihilation, or a reducing them to no¬
thing, will be clear in the Progrefs of our Dif-
courfe.) 1