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Head VI. Explication of the 'Text. 561
as well as a 'Palace for the Saints, we mu/l alfo
enquire into that State of e-verlafimg Mifery ; the
which the worfo of Men may well bear with, with¬
out crying, strt thou come to torment us before the
&me r fince there is yet Acccfs to fly from theWrath
to come, and all that can be faid of it comes fhort
of what the Damned will feel; for •who knoweth the
Power of God’s Anger ?
The laft Thing our Lord did, before he left the
Earth, was, he lift up his Hands, and blejfed his
Difciples, Luke xxiv. £o, 51. But the laft Thing
he’ll do, before he leave the Throne, is to curfe and
condemn his Enemies ,• as we learn from the Text,
which contains the dreadml Sentence, wherein the
cverlafting Mifery of the Wicked is wrapt up. In
which three Things may be taken notice of. Fir ft.
The Quality of the Condemn’d, Te curfed. The
Judge hnds the Curfe of the Law upon them as
Tranfgreflbrs, and fends them away with it, from
his Prefence, into Hell, there to be fully execute
upon them, idly. The Punijhment which they are
adjudged to ; and to which they were always bound
over, by virtue of the Curfe. And it is two-fold,
the Punifhment of Lofs, in Separation from God
and Chrift, Depart from me: And the Punilhment
of Senfe, in moil exquifite and extream Torments,
Depart from me into Fire, idly. The Aggravati¬
ons of their Torments. (1.) They’re ready for them,
they arc not to expert a Moment’s Refpite. The
Fire is prepared, and ready to catch hold of thofe
who are thrown into it. (2.) They’ll have the So¬
ciety of Devils in their Torments, being foot up
with them in Hell. They muft depart into the
fame Fire prepared for Belzebub the Prince of De¬
vils, and his Angels ; namely other reprobate An-
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