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Head II, Support, 555
Spirits to fink: But he takes it off, and puts a
Pardon in their Hand, while they caft their Burthen
over upon him. Chrift takes the Soul, as one mar¬
ries a Widow, under a Burthen of Debt: A.nd fo
when the Creditors come to Chrift’s Spoufe, (he car-
ries them to her Husband, confefleth the Debt, de¬
clares Ihe is not able to pay, and lays all over up¬
on him. The Chriftian fometimes,thro* Carelefnefs,
lofeth his Difcharge ; he cannot find it, however he
fearch for it. The Law takes that Opportunity ;
and bends up a Procefs againft him, for a Debt
paid already. God hides his Face, and the Soul is
diftrefled. Many Arrows go thro* the Heart now ;
many long Accounts are laid before the Man,
which he reads and acknowledges. • Often does he
fee the Officers coming to apprehend him, and the
Prifon Door open to receive him. What die keeps
him from finking utterly under Difcouragements in
this Cafe, But that the everlafttng Arms of a Medi¬
ator are underneath him, and that he relies upon
the great Cautioner ? Further, they may have a
Weight of Jirorfg Lufts prefling them. They have a
Body of Death upon them. Death is a Weight
that prdfeth the Soul out of the Body. A Leg or
an Arm of Death (if I may fo fpeak) would be a
terrible Load, i (One lively Luft will fomedmes ly*
fo heavy on a Child of God, that he can no more
remove it, than a Child could throw a Giant from
off him.) How then are they fupported under a
whole of Death? Why, their Support is
from the Root that bears them, from the everlajiing
Arm that is underneath them. His Grace is fuffi-
cient for them, 2 Cor. xti. 9. The great Stay of
the Believer is not the Grace of God within him ;
that’s a Well, whofe Streams fometimes run dry :
Z a But