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354* Support. State IIL
Lord comes, and lays his Crofs on his Peoples
Shoulders ; it prefleth them down; they are like to
fmk under it, and therefore cry, Majier fave us,
we peri(h : But he fupports them under their Bur-1
then ; he bears them up, and they bear their Crofs.'
Thus the Chriftian having a Weight of outward'
Troubles upon him, goes lightly under his Burden,:
having withal the ever lofting Arms underneath him.,
The Chriftian has a Spring of Comfort, which he;
cannot lofe; and therefore never wants fomething
to fupport him. If one have all his Riches in Mo- \
ney. Robbers may take thefe away; and then what
has he more ? But tho5 the landed Man be robbed
of his Money^ yet his Lands remain for his Support.
They that build their Comfort on worldly Goods,
may quickly be Comfortlefs: But they that are
united to Chrift, ihall find Comfort when all the
Streams of worldly Enjoyments are dried up, Job
vi. 13. Is not my Help in me? And is Wifdom
driven quite from me ? q. d. Tho’ my Subftance is
gone ; tho’ my Servants, my Children, my Health,
and Soundnefs of Body, are all gone: Yet my
Grace is not gone too. Tho’ the Sabeans have dri¬
ven away my Oxen and Alfes, and the Chaldeans
have driven away my Camels; they have not dri¬
ven away my Faith, and my Hope too : Thefe are
yet in me, they are not driven from me ; fo that
by them I can fetch Comfort from Heaven, when
I can have none from Earth.
zdly, Chrift fupports his People under a IVeight
of inward I'roubles and Difcouragements. Many
times Heart and Flejh fail them, but then God is
the Strength of their Heart, Pfal. Ixxiii. 26. They
may have a IVeight of Guilt prefling them. This is
a Load that will make their Back to ftoop, and the