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356 Support. State III.
But 5tis the Grac; of God without him, the Grace.- :
that is in Jefus Chrift; which is an ever-flowiny \
Fountain, to which the Believer can never come a- !
mifs. For the Apoftle tells us in the fame Verfe, ■
5tis the Power of Chrift. Moft gladly therefore, faith
he, will I rather glory in my Infirmities, that the
Power of Chrift may red upon me, or tabernacle a-
bo<ve me, as the Cloud of Glory did on the Ifrae-
lites, which God fpread for a Covering, or Shelter
to them in the Wildernefs, Pfal. cv. 3p. compare
Jfa. iv. 5, 6. So that the Believer in this Combat, 1
like the Eagle, firft flies aloft (by Faith) and then
comes down on the Prey, Pfal. xxxiv. 5. I’bey
looked to him, and were lightned. And finally,They
have a IVeight of IVeaknefs and Wants upon them,
but they caft over that Burden on the Lord their
Strength, and he fudains them, Pfal. Iv. 22. With
all their Wants and Weaknefs, they are caft upon
him; as the poor weak and naked Babe coming out
of the Womb, is call into the Lap of one appointed
to take Care of it, Pfal. xxii. 10. Tho’ they be de-
fiitute (as a Shrub in the Wildernefs, which the Foot
of every Beaft may tread down) the Lord will re¬
gard them, Pfal. cii. 17. Tis no marvel, the weakeft
Plant be fafe in a Garden : But our Lord Jefus
Chrift is a Hedge for Protection to his weak and
deftitute Ones, even in a Wildernefs.
Object. But if the Saints be fo fupported, how is
it that they fall fo often, under ^temptations and
Difcouragements ? Anf (1.) How low foever they
fall at any Time, they never fall off-, and that’s a
great Matter. They are kept by the Power of God
through Faith unto Salvation, 1 Pet. i. 5. Hypocrites
may tall, fo as to fall oftj and fall into the Pit, as
a Bucket falls into a Well when the Chain breaks.