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326 Teace mtb God, State III.
vers may have troubled Confciences, which they
may get quieted again : But alas! their Confci- I
ences become peaceable, esre they become pure , fo i
their Peace is but the Seed of grcarer Horror and
Coniufion. Carelefnefs may give Eafe for a While,
to a lick Confcience; Men negleding its Wounds,
they clofe again of their own Accord, before the
filthy Matter is purged out. Many bury their
Guilt in the Grave ot an ill Memory : Confcience
{marts a little; at length the Man forgets his Sin,
and there’s an End of it: But that’s only an Eafe
before Death. Bufinefs, or the Affairs Oi Lire, of¬
ten give Eafe in this Cafe. When Cain is banifh-
ed from the Prefence of the Lord, he tails a build¬
ing of Cities. When the evil Spirit came upon
Saul, he calls not for his Bible, nor for the Priefts
to converfe with him about his Cafe ; but for Mu-
fick, to play it away. So many, when their Con¬
fciences begin to be uneafy, they fill their Heads
and Hands with Bufinefs, to divert themfelves. and
to regain Eafe at any Rate. Yea, fome will fin o-
ver the Belly of their Convidions, and fo get fome
Eafe to their Confciences, as HaZael gave to his
Mailer by ftiflmg him. Again, the performing of
Duties may give lome Eafe to a difquieted Confci¬
ence : And this is all, that legal Proteffors have Re-
courfe to, for quieting of their Confciences. When
Confcience js wounded; they’ll pray;confefs,mourn,
and refolve to do fo no more: And fo they become
whole again, without an Application of the Blood
of Chrift, by Faith. But they whofe Confciences
are rightly quieted come for Peace and Purging to
the Blood of Sprinkling. Sin is a fweet Morftl, that
makes Goa’s bled tick Souls, e’re they get it vo¬
mited up. It leaves a Sting behind it, which fome