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Head II. and Peace of Confcience.
one Time or ocher, will create them no little
Ehhu Ihews us both the Cafe and Cure, Job xxxiii.
Behold the Cafe one may be in, whom God has
Thoughts of Love to. He darteth Convictions
into his Conlcience; and makes them ftick fo
faft, that he cannot rid himfelf of them, Vcr. 16.
He openetb the Ears of Men, and fealetb their In-
fruition. His very Body fickens, Ver. i p. He is
ehafined alfo with Pain upon his Bed, and the Mul¬
titude of his Bones with flrong Pain. He lofeth his
Stomach, Ver. 20. His Life abboreth Bread, and
his Soul dainty Meat. His Body pines away, fo
that there’s nothing on him but Skin and Bone,
Vcr. 21. His Flejh is eonjumed away that it cannot
he feen, and bis Bones that were not feen fiick out.
Tho’ he is not prepared for Death, he has no Hopes
of Life, Ver. 22. His Soul drawetb near unto tho
Grave, and (which is the Height of his Milery,' his
Life to the Dejtrcyers; he is looking every Moment
when Devils, thefc Defrayers, Rev. ix. 11. thefe
Murderers, or Man-flayers, John viii 44. will come
and carry away his Soul to Hell. O dreadful Cafe !
yet there is Hope. God defigns to keep back his
Soul from the Pit, Ver. 18. alcho’ he bring him
forward to the Brink of it. Now, fee how the lick
Man is cured. The Phylicians Art cannot prevail
here: The Difeafe lies more inward, than that his
Medicines can reach it. ’Tis Soul-trouble that has
brought the Body into this Diforder: And therefore
the Remedies muft be applied to the fxck Man’s
Soul and Confcience. The Phyfician for this Cafe,
muft be a fpiritual Phyfician; the Remedies muft
be fpiritual, a Righteoujnefs, a Ranfom, or Attone-
ment. Upon the Application of thefe, the Soul is
X 4 cured.