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Head II. Teace with God, Sec. 225
loved us, and wajhed us fr$m our Sins in his own
The fecond Benefit flowing from the fame Spring
of Union with Chrift, and coming by the Way of
Jujhficaticn, is Peace; Peace with God, and Peace
of Confcience, according to the Meafure of the
Senfe the Juftified have of their Peace with God,
Rom. v. t. ^therefore being juftified by Faithy we have
Peace with God. Chap. xiv. 17. For the Kingdom of
God is not Meat and Brink, but Righteoujnefs and
Peace, and Joy in the Holy Ghoft. Whereas God
was their Enemy before, now he is reconciled to them
in Chrift : They arc in a Covenant of Peace with
him ; and as Abraham was, fo they are the Friends
of God. He is well pleafed with them, in his be¬
loved Son. His Word, which fpokeTerror to them
formerly, now fpeaks Peace, if they rightly take up
ks Language. And there’s Love in all his Difpen-
fations towards them, which makes all work to¬
gether for their Good. Their Confciences are pur¬
ged of that Guilt and Filtbinefs that fometime
lay upon them : His Confcience-purifying Blood
ftreams through their Souls, by Virtue of their U-
nion with him, Heb. ix. 14. How much more Jhall
the Blood of Chrift purge your Confcience from
dead IVorks, to fierce the living God ? Tire Bonds
laid on their Confciences, by the Spirit of God,
afting as the Spirit of Bondage, are taken off, ne¬
ver more to be laid on by that Hand. Rom. riii.
15. For ye have not received the Spirit ef Bondage
again to fear. Hereby the Confcience is quieted,
alfoon as the Soul becomes confcious of the Appli¬
cation of that Blood; which falls out fooner or
later, according to the Meafure of Faith, and as
the only wife God fees meet to time it. Unbelie-
X 3 vers