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3 io Benefits flowing fromjkc. State III.
fdf. And thus the Lord wounds the Head and
Heart of Sin , and the Soul comes to him, faying.
Surely eur Fathers have inherited Lies, Vanity, and
^things wherein there is no Profit, Jer. xvi.
Of the Benefits flowing to true Believers, from their
Union with Chrift.
V. And lafily, I come to fpeak of the Benefits
flowing to true Believers, from their Union with
Chrift. The Chief of the particular Benefits Be¬
lievers have by it, arc Juftification, Peace, Adop¬
tion, San&ification, Growth in Grace, Fruitfulnefs
in good Works, Acceptance of thefc good Works,
Eftabliihment in a State of Grace, Support, and
a fpecial Conduft of Providence about them. As
for Communion with Chrift, it is fuch a Benefit, as
being the immediate Confequent of Union with
him, comprehends all the reft as mediate Ones.
For look, as the Branch, immediately upon its U-
nion with the Stock, hath Communion with the
Stock, in All that’s in it: So the Believer uniting
with Chrift, hath Communion with Him ; in which
he launcheth forth into an Ocean of Happinefs, is
led into a Paradife of Pleafurcs, and has a faring
Intereft in the Zreafure hid in the Field of the Gof-
pel, the unfearehahle Riches of Chrifl. As focn
as the Believer is united to Chrift, Chrift himfelf,
in whom all Fulnefs dwells, is his, Cant. ii. 16.
My Beloved is mine, and I am his. And howfhaU
he not with him freely give us ALL Things ? Rom.
viii. 3 2. IVhether Paul or Apollo, or Cephas, or the
World, or Life, or Death, or Things prefent, or
Things to come, ALL are yours, i Cor. iii. 2 2.
Thus Communion with Cbrift, is the great compre-